Tag: Terror Attack

Two synagogues in the Dagestan region of Russia were targeted in a coordinated terror attack on houses of worship, alongside churches.
The Nova Music Festival Exhibit in Lower Manhattan commemorates the tragic event on October 7 where over 360 people were murdered during a music festival in Israel.
A father of a terror victim courageously stands during a ceremony honoring fallen Israeli soldiers, despite being in a wheelchair, in tribute to his son and others who have sacrificed their lives.
Hadassah Medical Organization staff members exemplified heroism by aiding terror attack victims in Jerusalem, reflecting the ongoing cycle of calm and violence in Jewish life.
Following the tragic murder of her two sons in a terror attack, Devorah Paley's exceptional faith and fortitude captivated the Jewish public, inspiring an outpouring of support and unity.
A shooting attack on a security checkpoint line near Maaleh Adumim in the West Bank left one Israeli dead and 11 others wounded, with the three gunmen responsible killed by security forces.
Two Israelis were killed and four others wounded in a terror attack at a bus stop in southern Israel, with the perpetrator from east Jerusalem being shot dead by a civilian on the scene.
A terror attack occurred in the Tel Aviv suburb of Raanana, resulting in the death of one woman and injuries to 17 others.
A top Hamas leader, Saleh Al-Arouri, was killed in Beirut along with two other Hamas leaders in an attack.
This article shares personal accounts from Israelis describing their day-to-day experiences since the start of the war.
During a Hamas terror attack on Kibbutz Nir Oz, Natali Yohanan and her family hid in their safe room as Palestinians ransacked their home, stealing and consuming their belongings.
President Joe Biden condemned Hamas for committing rape, assault, and parading women as trophies during a historic speech expressing unwavering US support for Israel.
In this episode of Unorthodox, stories from Israel are shared, including firsthand accounts of bravery and tragedy following a recent terror attack.
The article discusses the recent surprise attack launched by Hamas on Israel during the holy day of Simchat Torah.
Israeli security forces successfully stopped a terrorist attack in Hebron when a Palestinian drove a tractor through a military barrier towards the local Jewish community.
The shocking attack in southern Israel resulted in the most deadly killing of Jews since the Holocaust and has transformed Israel and the Middle East.
On Saturday, Israel experienced a horrific day of bloodshed, with hundreds of attackers infiltrating Israel from Gaza, killing 600 Israelis, taking hostages, and injuring thousands.
In this episode, journalist Neri Zilber and policy advisors Michael Koplow and Shira Efron discuss recent events across the Middle East.
Tel Aviv-based journalist Neri Zilber, along with experts Michael Koplow and Shira Efron, discuss various recent events in the Middle East on a recent episode.
There is an increase in violence in the West Bank, with clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants becoming more common in major Palestinian cities.
The Viennese Jewish community was placed on lockdown after a shooting spree near the main synagogue in Vienna that killed at least four people and injured 15.
"Beat: The True Story of a Bomb and a Heart Transplant" delves into the profound events surrounding the 2001 terror attack at a Tel Aviv nightclub and an overlooked act of kindness: the heart of a Palestinian pharmacist killed in a possible revenge attack was donated to save the life of a Jewish Israeli man.
Sarah Halimi, a 67-year-old Jewish woman, was brutally beaten and killed in Paris by a Muslim attacker who recited verses from the Quran before and after the murder.
An email from Hillary Clinton's private server suggests that former aide Anne-Marie Slaughter proposed raising private funds from billionaires for a Palestinian state to bolster Mahmoud Abbas and shame Israel.
The FBI is investigating the Boston Marathon attack with no formal suspects identified yet, while a young boy from Dorchester is among the three confirmed dead in the incident.