Tag: Torah Scholars

Members of Israel's Haredi community are expressing concern and warning of a potential religious conflict following the Israel Supreme Court's recent ruling that yeshiva students must be drafted into the military.
Before the First World War, students from Western countries rarely attended Lithuanian yeshivas due to political unrest in the region.
The article explores the midrashic interpretation of King Ahasuerus wearing the Jewish priestly garments during his banquet in the Book of Esther.
Rav Shlomo Yosef Zevin, a prominent rabbinic authority, wrote a letter about whether yeshiva students should be drafted into the army.
The author discusses the concept of providing zechusim, or spiritual merits, for soldiers during war.
The text explores the revival of Jewish law (halachah) in modern Israel, showcasing how it has evolved to address not only individual and communal matters but also issues of national significance.
The Daf Yomi cycle, which involves daily Talmud learning, will soon be studying Tractate Shekalim, which is different from the usual Talmudic texts.
The debate over whether Torah scholars should be exempt from military service in Israel has a long history rooted in Talmudic texts.
The text explores the complex reality of the State of Israel, highlighting the juxtaposition of dreams and disappointments in its history and current state.