Tag: Unrwa

More than 100 victims of attacks by Hamas in Israel on Oct. 7 are suing UNRWA, the main relief agency for Palestinian refugees, alleging that it laundered money for the terrorist group by assisting Hamas in various ways.
In a guest essay by Nachum Kaplan on the Future of Jewish platform, the case for Israel to leave the United Nations (UN) is discussed.
In this episode, Israel Policy Forum experts Neri Zilber and Shanie Reichman discuss topics like a recent hostage rescue operation, President Biden's speech on Gaza, Benny Gantz's resignation, the potential for conflict with Hizballah in Lebanon, and more Israeli political developments.
The text criticizes the BBC for alleged antisemitism in its reporting on Israeli strikes in Gaza, highlighting a biased narrative against Israel.
In a recent episode of Israel Policy Pod, the focus is on the challenges facing UNRWA and the need for reform following the conflict in Gaza and events on October 7.
Rapper Macklemore released a new track titled "Hinds Hall," supporting pro-Palestinian college protests and criticizing Israel, accusing it of apartheid and genocide in Gaza.
Dr. Musallam Abu Khalil, a doctor working for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza, will be discussing life and death in Gaza during a special Zoom call.
Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre recently addressed a crowd at a Toronto synagogue, pledging support for Canadian Jews and criticizing the current prime minister's stance on Jewish issues.
Larry Garber, a former USAID official, argues against shutting down the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian refugees, emphasizing its crucial role in providing humanitarian aid in Gaza.
Israel's ambassador to Ottawa, Iddo Moed, hinted at potential retaliation in response to Canada's recent decision to halt arms sales to Israel, despite the move being non-binding.
A controversial photo depicting Yaara Saks, an Israeli-Canadian cabinet minister, holding hands with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah caused outrage in Canada's Jewish community.
Ella Emhoff, the step-daughter of Vice President Kamala Harris, encouraged her Instagram followers to donate to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) despite accusations of aiding Hamas during an attack.
The article discusses the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, highlighting concerns about Hamas's influence and Palestinians' desire for a right of return to resettle Israel.
The text discusses various events and opinions related to the Jewish world, including the UNRWA's actions in Gaza, political stances on the Israel-Hamas conflict, behavior towards Israelis, fact-checking by the BBC, threats against a Jewish actress, legislative actions in Israel, interviews with controversial figures, humanitarian aid issues, and critiques of political decisions.
The article discusses the ongoing debate surrounding UNRWA, the United Nations aid agency for Palestinians, as it faces accusations of staff involvement in recent conflicts and funding cuts from various countries.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres recently highlighted the UN Security Council's deadlock over issues like Gaza and Ukraine, emphasizing the need for serious reform within the Council due to its inability to act effectively, primarily due to veto powers.
The text discusses the reasons why Palestine does not exist from the perspective of a Jewish publication.
In a conversation with pro-Palestinians, the dialogue brings up the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, touching on issues like ceasefires, civilian casualties, Hamas tactics, historical land claims, Palestinian refugees, and UNRWA's role.
The head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Martin Griffiths, sparked outrage from Israel when he stated in a TV interview that Hamas is not a terrorist organization but a political movement.
Bassem Eid, a Palestinian Arab born in Jerusalem, had a negative perception of Jews as a child due to his aunt's claim that they ate humans.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which has been providing essential services to Palestinian refugees since 1949, is facing a campaign to abolish it.
Israeli operations in Gaza have exposed the close ties between Hamas and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which aids Palestinian refugees.
The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has recently come under scrutiny due to the participation of its employees in the October 7th massacre.
The recent actions by the Biden administration to suspend funding for UNRWA, the Palestinian refugee agency, and impose sanctions on violent Israeli settlers in the West Bank have generated controversy.
A recent intelligence report has alleged that 12 UNRWA employees were involved in an attack, prompting nine Western nations to suspend their funding to the agency.