Tag: Us Israel Relationship

A top Biden official reassured Jewish leaders that reports of the U.S. withholding intelligence from Israel on Hamas leaders are false.
Yonit and Jonathan explore the strained US-Israel relationship following the US's decision not to use its veto power at the UN Security Council.
In Michigan's recent primary, a protest vote against Biden by Arab-American and Muslim voters, who are discontent with his pro-Israel policies, raised concerns about potential impact on the upcoming elections.
Former US President Donald Trump's approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict, particularly in contrast to President Biden's handling, is a topic of discussion as the 2024 election approaches.
Protesters identifying themselves as Progressive Jews of St. Louis held a demonstration outside an AIPAC dinner in Jefferson City, Missouri, accusing the organization of being white supremacist antisemites.
The text discusses the intense reaction in the United States to pro-Palestine activism and suggests that it stems from a fear that challenging Israel's legitimacy also challenges America's.
In this interview, Michael Doran discusses the similarities between the Yom Kippur War of 1973 and the recent Hamas attack on Israel in 2023.
Martin Indyk, former US ambassador to Israel, expresses deep concern over the current split in Israel caused by the judicial overhaul.
The author reflects on a powerful call to action for the religious Jewish future that was prompted by a discussion at an AIPAC conference.
Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing coalition have emerged as the winners in the recent Israeli elections, securing 64 seats in the Knesset.
The author, who served as Israel's ambassador to the United States, reflects on his experiences in Washington during the Obama administration.
In the race for Washington's 10th congressional district, Marilyn Strickland and Beth Doglio, both Democrats, are competing to succeed Rep. Denny Heck.
Tony Blinken, the top foreign policy advisor for Joe Biden's presidential campaign, has been meeting with progressive groups and Jewish and pro-Israel organizations, emphasizing Biden's long history with Israeli leaders.
The article discusses the controversy surrounding AIPAC's hosting of Serbian President Aleksandar Vui at their annual conference, despite his controversial past statements justifying a genocide.
Michael Glassner, who began his political career working for Bob Dole in the 1988 presidential campaign, progressed to roles with the Port Authority and involvement in pro-Israel politics, eventually joining AIPAC as a regional political director.
The text discusses the significant success and influence of Jews in Hollywood, finance, politics, and academia in the United States, while also highlighting the widespread support for Israel among Americans and in U.S. politics.