Tag: West Bank Settlements

The text discusses different perspectives on Israel, highlighting how mainstream media oversimplifies Israel's portrayal, focusing excessively on conflict and neglecting societal advancements.
The article discusses how Hamas' decision regarding President Biden's ceasefire proposal could greatly impact Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's political future.
Menachem Begin, Israel's sixth prime minister, embodied the concept of "hadar," which combines dignity, honor, and self-respect.
A real estate tour promoting properties in Israel and West Bank settlements faced controversy and protests, leading to the cancellation of its final Brooklyn event due to security concerns.
An expo promoting Israeli real estate and West Bank settlements faced cancellation in Brooklyn due to security concerns following protests in other cities.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's denial of the Palestinian people's right to statehood reflects a double standard.
The Biden administration and Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, have condemned the calls made by Israeli government ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir to remove Palestinians from the Gaza Strip.
The idea of an Israeli-Saudi Arabia normalization deal may seem within reach, but it is unlikely to happen easily.
In this discussion, Neri Zilber and Prof. Suzie Navot analyze the Netanyahu government's recent push to overhaul Israel's judicial system.
A group of Republican senators is threatening to block the confirmation of administration nominees unless the State Department rescinds a ban on US scientific research projects in Israeli settlements in the West Bank.
Nimrod Novik, Ibrahim Dalalsha, and Neri Zilber discuss the recent Israeli military operation in the Jenin refugee camp, focusing on the Israeli government's objectives, the history and politics of the camp, the Palestinian Authority's current state, the operation's outcomes, local militant groups' performance, and the potential for increased violence and instability.
In a discussion about the book "Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict," journalist Oren Kessler and host Neri Zilber talk about the significance of this historical period and its relevance to the present.
Journalist and analyst Oren Kessler's book "Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict" is discussed by Tel Aviv-based journalist Neri Zilber, highlighting the significance of this historical period in understanding the current Middle East situation.
Walla News Chief Political Correspondent Tal Shalev and Israel Policy Forum Policy Advisor Neri Zilber discuss Israeli politics post the state budget passing, focusing on Netanyahu's challenges from protests, coalition hardliners, and upcoming pitfalls.
In a discussion between Walla News Chief Political Correspondent Tal Shalev and journalist Neri Zilber, the current state of Israeli politics is analyzed after the passing of the state budget.
In the wake of mass protests and public anger, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided to suspend his plan to undermine the country's judicial system.
In a recent episode of the podcast, Tel Aviv-based journalist Neri Zilber discusses the escalating crisis in Israel with guests Michael Koplow and Shira Efron.
The text discusses the evolving international perception of Israel post-1967, attributing the shift to various factors such as the revolutionary left's support for Palestinian causes, the Arab oil embargo, the academic influence of Edward Said redefining Zionism negatively, and Likud government policies contributing to Israel's declining global image.
The failure of Secretary of State John Kerry's peace efforts between Israelis and Palestinians was hindered by issues such as Netanyahu's demand for recognition of Israel as a Jewish state and continued West Bank construction, along with Abbas linking talks to prisoner releases and not accepting Israel as a Jewish state.