Tag: White Supremacy

The text discusses the concept of the "Photo-Negative Ideology," where myths and narratives are used to justify violence and discrimination against others in the name of progress or protection of certain groups.
In the play "Power of Sail," the storyline delves into timely themes surrounding the US culture wars.
Alex Edelman's comedy special "Just For Us" explores themes of antisemitism, Jewish identity, and assimilation, with a focus on a Jewish comedian crashing a white supremacist meeting in Queens.
Gen Xia Ye Slosberg's poem "You See Me" explores the dehumanizing stereotypes faced by Asians, Latinx, and Black individuals in a white supremacist society and the Jewish community.
The article discusses the support for Jews and Israel from the political left and right.
The author points out the contradiction between the progressive emphasis on avoiding offense and the targeting of Jewish students and the Jewish community on college campuses.
This conversation discusses James Baldwin's 1967 essay, "Negroes are Anti-Semitic Because They are Anti-White."
A white man in his 20s shot and killed three Black people in a racially motivated attack at a convenience store in Jacksonville, Florida.
This article discusses the controversy surrounding the removal of Confederate monuments and the aftermath of the Charlottesville protests in 2017.
A neo-Nazi leader named Christopher Pohlhaus, also known as "The Hammer," has purchased 10 acres of land in Springfield, Maine, with plans to build a compound for his followers, called the Blood Tribe.
The article discusses the parallels between the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a white supremacist rally took place in 2017, and the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.
The University of Arizona College Republicans United, a GOP student group, has faced criticism for inviting white supremacist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes to speak at an upcoming conference.
Stanford University recently hosted a delegation from the Azov Brigade, a neo-Nazi formation of the Ukrainian National Guard.
Tucker Carlson, recently removed from Fox News, has started a new show on Twitter which is filled with antisemitism, conspiracy theories, and hateful rhetoric.
A recent report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has ranked Massachusetts as the second-highest state in the US for white supremacy and sixth-highest for antisemitism.
Elon Musk criticized the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Twitter after the ADL CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, criticized Musk's remarks about George Soros.
This article discusses Norse paganism in the context of the military, particularly at Fort Bragg in North Carolina.
The author reflects on her experience visiting Auschwitz and the challenges of confronting the evil of the Holocaust.
Jared Jackson, founder of Jews in All Hues, discusses how white supremacy has become embedded in mainstream North American Judaism, not necessarily through overt symbols but in the discomfort felt by Jews of color in Jewish spaces dominated by white-skinned Ashkenazi individuals.
Rabbi Tom Gutherz of Charlottesville's Congregation Beth Israel reflects on the 2017 Unite the Right rally and the ongoing civil trial accusing 14 men and 10 groups of conspiring to commit racist violence.
In this text, the focus is on the upcoming trial of Sines v. Kessler, a lawsuit filed by Integrity First for America (IFA) against the organizers of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Tucker Carlson's recent espousal of the Great Replacement Theory on Fox News has sparked controversy and raised concerns about its anti-Semitic history.
Rabbi Robert Marx, who died at the age of 93, was a prominent figure in social justice activism in Chicago.
The discussion about the color of Jews has a long history, dating back to the belief in Europe that Jews were somatically and metaphorically Black.
An investigation by The Forward has revealed that there are hundreds of statues and monuments around the world honoring individuals who collaborated with the Nazis and participated in the Holocaust.