
The essay discusses the connection between Judaism, Zionism, and the Jewish people's historical and biblical ties to the land of Israel.
The relationship between Zionism and Liberalism in America is facing strain, especially on the Left which has shifted towards progressivism and criticism of right-wing Israeli policies.
The text discusses the changing landscape of antisemitism on college campuses and in American society, emphasizing the interconnected nature of the crisis.
Following a period of apparent safety and prosperity for Jews in Israel and the United States, the events of October 7 disrupted this sense of security, revealing vulnerabilities in Jewish institutions.
After the tragic loss of their daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren in a terrorist attack in the Gaza Envelope, a bereaved Jewish family grapples with the challenges of mourning, memorialization, and resilience.
The article discusses a recent walkout by Wing Luke museum staff in Seattle over an exhibit addressing redlining and discrimination, created by the Washington State Jewish Historical Society, the Black Heritage Society, and the Wing Luke Museum.
Israeli protesters in New York, including prominent community members and activists, have expressed opposition to the participation of Israeli government officials, particularly from Prime Minister Netanyahu's coalition, in the annual Israel parade.
The NYPD will enhance security for an upcoming Israel parade in New York City amid tensions related to the Gaza war and increased antisemitism, deploying various measures including drones, canine units, and mounted police.
In a series of letters to the editor, various authors discuss different aspects related to Jewish issues.
A current Princeton student shares their experience of being assaulted by an anti-Israel protester on campus and the subsequent lack of institutional support and dismissal of their complaint by university officials.
The faculty union of the City University of New York rejected a resolution calling for an Israel boycott, despite prior pro-Palestinian stances.
Former President Donald Trump was found guilty on 34 felony charges related to concealing payments made to an adult film star, making him the first U.S. president convicted of a felony.
The Republican Jewish Coalition stood by Donald Trump after he was convicted on 34 felony charges related to paying off an adult film star during the 2016 presidential election.
Recent incidents of gunfire targeted Jewish schools in Canada, with the second attack occurring at the Belz Yeshiva Ketana in Montreal after a previous shooting at a Chabad girls school in Toronto.
A man was arrested and charged with hate crimes after he aimed his car at Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn, with witnesses reporting that antisemitic slurs were shouted during the attack.
A Jewish volunteer participating in a restorative justice program, REACCH, shared their experience meeting an antisemite, named Robert, who committed a hate crime against the Jewish community.
British Labour Party candidate Faiza Shaheen was barred from running for parliament due to liking social media posts, including one linking to an old Jon Stewart joke about Israel.
Claudia Sheinbaum, a Jewish liberal candidate from Mexico's left-wing Morena party, is leading the polls for the upcoming presidential election in Mexico, potentially becoming the country's first female Jewish president.
The author shares her experiences with undergoing fat grafting to reconstruct her breasts following a mastectomy due to breast cancer.
The upcoming election campaign in Britain once again brings attention to the Jewish community, reflecting on past fears of existential threats during elections.
Throughout history, legal systems have been weaponized against Jews, from the Inquisition to modern international forums targeting the Jewish state under the guise of justice.
The American Jewish communal model is facing significant challenges and needs to be reconsidered in light of current events and changing dynamics.
The text discusses personal experiences of moving to Israel, highlighting unexpected lessons learned upon arrival, such as dealing with security concerns like bomb scares and rocket attacks, as well as the complex emotional rollercoaster of living in a country with ongoing political and social challenges.
Yafa Sakkejha, a Canadian-Palestinian peace activist, is deeply impacted by the recent events in the Middle East following Oct. 7.
Jewish therapists across the United States, particularly in Chicago, are facing an increasingly hostile environment in the mental health field due to their Zionism.

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