
Ayal Feinberg, a researcher in Holocaust and Genocide Studies, analyzed the correlation between Israeli military operations and antisemitic hate crimes in the United States from 2001 to 2014, finding a 33% increase in reported hate crimes during high-intensity military action.
In "Vertigo: The Rise and Fall of Weimar Germany, 1918-1933" by Harald Jhner, the chaotic period of the Weimar Republic following World War I is explored, detailing the revolution, economic turmoil, and social upheaval that shaped Germany.
Nechama, a Jewish disaster relief organization, views tikkun olam (repairing the world) as a foundational principle in its work, providing aid to communities affected by natural disasters.
The text describes a troubling trend of rising antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment at Harvard University, culminating in incidents like the use of antisemitic tropes by a commencement speaker, defense of calls for intifada, illegal encampments targeting Israel, and systemic silencing of Jewish and Israeli voices on campus.
Rep. Mark Pocan has been engaging in a prolonged social media campaign against AIPAC, leveling criticisms at the pro-Israel lobbying group linked to antisemitic tropes and accusations.
Israeli students studying at American campuses, including prestigious institutions like Columbia University and Harvard, have reported facing a toxic and hostile environment marked by anti-Israel sentiment, criticism, and marginalization following Israel's conflict with Hamas in Gaza.
Columbia University has settled a lawsuit with a Jewish student over the impact of pro-Palestinian encampments on campus, promising enhanced security measures including walking escorts, safe entrances, and exam accommodations.
Jewish leaders have condemned the vandalism of the iconic OY/YO sculpture at the Brooklyn Museum by protesters who defaced it with pro-Palestinian graffiti during a demonstration.
In the Blaze Bernstein murder trial, the mother of the accused, Samuel Woodward, testified about his troubled childhood, detailing his struggles with fitting in, undiagnosed autism, and family dynamics.
Moment Magazine received 19 Rockower Awards at the American Jewish Press Association celebration, showcasing their diverse and high-quality journalism.
The text discusses the failure of a $320-million American humanitarian pier built in Gaza, which Palestinians did not want and which suffered structural issues.
The essay addresses the emergence of a new form of antisemitism that uses false equivalencies and distortions to paint Jews in a negative light.
In these letters to the editor, various perspectives on Jewish identity, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, human rights, and political figures are discussed.
Rabbi Avram Mlotek discusses the increasing harassment faced by Jews in New York City, particularly during the Israeli-Hamas conflict, emphasizing the need for a bold love for fellow Jews amidst political tensions.
The rise in antisemitic attacks in France following the Hamas massacres in Israel has led many Jewish individuals to fear for their safety, prompting them to remove their mezuzot from outside their homes and place them inside instead.
The Hulu miniseries "Clipped" dramatizes the story of former Jewish L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling's downfall, focusing on his lifetime ban from the NBA in 2014 due to making racist comments about Black people.
Benjamin Netanyahu recently gave an interview in French on TF1, where he compared the Israeli invasion of Gaza to the Allied landing at Normandy, invoking the concept of Judeo-Christian civilization.
Jewish teens in Howard County, Maryland are engaging in a Student to Student program to combat antisemitism in schools.
The essay discusses the issue of whitewashing Jews and challenges the misconception that all Jews are white.
The text discusses how the recent right-wing trend towards transgression in moral, political, and aesthetic spheres has resulted in unimpressive art and politics, notably exemplified by Trump's presidency and associated cultural movements.
The upcoming rally in Manhattan against antisemitism sponsored by Chosen People Ministries, a group that aims to convert Jews to Christianity, has provoked varied reactions from Jewish leaders.
After facing backlash, the Vancouver comics festival apologized to Miriam Libicki, a Jewish artist it had previously banned due to her past Israeli military service, which had sparked pro-Palestinian activism and accusations of creating a volatile atmosphere.
The article discusses Ben Raab's reflections as a Mexican Jew on the reluctance of Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico's first female president and a Jewish woman, to openly embrace her Jewish heritage.
Pro-Palestinian protesters at Columbia University dismantled their encampment after 48 hours but vowed to continue targeting the university until it agrees to divest from Israeli companies, boycott Israeli universities, and sever ties with the New York City Police Department.
Melanie Harris, a California woman, was sentenced to 32 months in prison for making hundreds of threatening phone calls to the Tree of Life synagogue and its executive director following the 2018 antisemitic attack in Pittsburgh.

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