
This recipe for caper puttanesca is highlighted by the use of caper brine to enhance the dish's flavor, a typically discarded ingredient that adds a special touch.
This recipe outlines a simple method for making a microwave lime cream pie with a chocolate biscuit base.
This recipe details how to make a Schnitzel sandwich with red cabbage and tahini slaw, combining Middle Eastern flavors.
Jonathan Richler, a Jewish chef in St. Johns, Canada, combines Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewish flavors with Newfoundland cuisine in his dishes, merging traditional Jewish recipes with local ingredients.
Israeli chef Efi Naon has opened a new upscale restaurant named Frena in Manhattan, taking the place of his previous acclaimed establishment Taboon, which closed due to a fire.
In the text "Friday Kibbitz: What's Your Favorite Artichoke Recipe?" the discussion likely revolves around different ways to prepare and cook artichokes.
A recipe for Spicy Salmon with Rice that serves 8 and requires minimal effort, with preparation needed 8 hours in advance.
Naama Shefi, founder of the Jewish Food Society, has published a new cookbook titled "The Jewish Holiday Table" with Devra Ferst, featuring 135 recipes and stories from Jewish families worldwide.
This text provides a recipe for Kosher for Passover chocolate chip cookies that can be used to make ice cream sandwiches, suitable for year-round enjoyment and specifically for the Passover Seder.
Mesiba, an Israeli restaurant in Williamsburg, owned by Miami-based Bar Lab, offers a vibrant dining experience with music, large communal tables, and a variety of Israeli-inspired dishes.
A Youtube video featuring a recipe for braised Moroccan chicken suitable for Passover, with suggested ingredients including Tabatchnick Glatt Kosher chicken stock, and a step-by-step guide to cooking and preparation.
The Sephardi Kashrut Authority has released its Pesach Guide for 5784/2024, listing certified and approved products for Passover.
Join Sonya, a busy working mom of six, in this video where she shares a week of kosher Orthodox Jewish family meals, including freezer-friendly options like bone broth, Pilmeni dough, pita bread, and Oshtoky/Dolma preparations.
This recipe presents a visually striking and flavorful smoked salmon and beetroot pizza that is simple to prepare, making it ideal for entertaining.
This recipe features a whole salmon fillet baked with clementines, a citrus vodka glaze, and roasted fennel, evoking childhood memories for the author.
Manischewitz, the well-known kosher food brand, has undergone a major rebranding to attract a wider audience with a fresh look featuring bold colors, Hebrew-inspired fonts, and quirky packaging designs.
Ottolenghi has opened a new restaurant and retail store in Bicester Village, offering Israeli-inspired cuisine such as cinnamon brioche pretzels and zaatar-flavored dishes.
This recipe for dry rubbed salmon is flavorful and low in fat, relying on a mix of spices including coriander seeds, black peppercorns, mustard seeds, juniper berries, and fennel seeds.
"The Sweet Polish Kitchen" by Ren Behan offers a collection of Polish baking recipes that contain a distinct Ashkenazi Jewish influence.
The article discusses the history and preparation of a wild blueberry and almond babka loaf, a sweet braided bread that originated in Jewish communities of Poland and Ukraine and became popular in New York delis.
Israeli vegan chef Guy Vaknin, known for his successful vegan restaurants in NYC, including Beyond Sushi, has opened Siete, a new vegan eatery in the Flatiron District offering a vibrant journey through Mexican cuisine.
This YouTube video focuses on preparing the kitchen for Passover by doing thorough spring cleaning.
This recipe presents a budget-friendly and vegan-friendly chickpea and root vegetable tagine that yields eight servings, ideal for accommodating vegans or vegetarians.
The text discusses the 8 categories of Shelach Manos, which are different food preferences and dietary restrictions that people may have during Purim.
This recipe features a lemon and poppy seed loaf with a double dose of lemon flavor from a syrup and icing.

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