
Cody Decker, a retired professional baseball player active in the sports world, discusses his career and Jewish identity in a generous interview.
Nate Fish, known as the "King of Jewish Baseball," has a background in coaching and playing for various teams such as Team USA, the Tel Aviv Lightning, and the Savannah Bananas.
Lost Tribe Esports is a non-profit organization engaging young Jewish gamers by organizing video game events and competitions, recognizing the appeal of gaming as a means to connect with youth who may not easily engage with traditional cultural or religious activities.
Julian Edelman, a prominent Jewish NFL player and Superbowl MVP, recently retired after a successful 12-season career with the New England Patriots.
In a themed Passover seder episode, hosts James Hirsh and Gabe Pulver combine the traditions of matzah brei and baseball to create a "Jewish baseball" celebration.
In a recent episode of Menschwarmers, outrage sparked when Miami Heat player Meyers Leonard used an anti-Semitic slur on a public broadcast, prompting discussion on the NBA's response to the incident.
Sports journalist Eric Nusbaum discusses the displacement of a Latino community in Los Angeles when Dodgers Stadium was built in his book "Stealing Home: Los Angeles, the Dodgers, and the Lives Caught in Between."
The podcast episode discusses the impact of Israeli basketball player Deni Avdija joining the Washington Wizards, which generated excitement among Jewish NBA fans.
The podcast crew discusses the lackluster commercials at a recent Super Bowl and questions if we can still find enjoyment amidst ongoing public health restrictions related to COVID-19.
The text briefly mentions Paul Romanuk, a play-by-play announcer known for his work on "Hockey Night in Canada," transitioning from the excitement of the hockey broadcast to the challenges of life during a lockdown.
In this podcast episode, the discussion revolves around the continued media focus on Donald Trump despite Joe Biden being the new president.
Billy Beane, known for his Moneyball approach to sports management, discusses the impact of the Coronavirus on the sports industry with a focus on its future post-pandemic.
Jamie Campbell from Sportsnet has been praised for his ability to connect with people over the phone during the pandemic, making them feel valued and special.
Sage Rosenfels, a former NFL quarterback, discusses the experience of being a Jewish athlete in rural Iowa versus Miami in an interview on the Menschwarmers show hosted by Gabe Pulver and Jamie Hirsh.
Ethan Zohn, known for winning Survivor and charity work in Africa, discusses his experiences on Survivor, soccer career, and audition for Curb Your Enthusiasm on the Menschwarmers podcast hosted by Gabe Pulver and Jamie Hirsh.
Eric Koreen, a writer for The Athletic who covers the Raptors, discusses his Jewish heritage and how doubt is his superpower on the Menschwarmers podcast hosted by Gabe Pulver and Jamie Hirsh.
The article discusses a commercial collaboration between Tim Hortons and Wayne Gretzky, highlighting potential issues with it.
In "Humble Howard: I Believe in Golf," renowned broadcaster Humble Howard discusses his deep connection to the game of golf, exploring themes such as golf course etiquette, the influence of patron saints, the frustration of missed shots, and the importance of repairing divots.
In a podcast called Menschwarmers, hosts Gabe and Jamie compile a list of the top Jewish sports movies to enjoy during the holiday season, featuring titles like "Chariots of Fire," "School Ties," and the questionably Jewish-themed "Happy Gilmore."
The podcast discusses the origin of the Maccabiah Games, likening their inception to a great miracle similar to Hanukkah.
Israel is becoming a notable hotspot for mixed martial arts (MMA), with the Gozali family, particularly Aviv Gozali, gaining attention.
As the NHL season progresses, Jewish player Zach Hyman rejoins the Maple Leafs after coach Mike Babcock's departure.
The text discusses the Washington Nationals' World Series victory as a revelation for fans, symbolizing a cosmic unveiling of reality.
Alan Goldsher, a freelance writer, found himself amidst controversy when he stepped in to replace the resigned editorial board of Deadspin.
Bob Tufts, a former baseball player and devoted Jew, intertwined his love for baseball and Judaism throughout his life.

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