
Diego Schwartzman, a 26-year-old Jewish tennis player from Argentina, stands out despite his diminutive height of 5 feet 6 inches.
The episode of WhyWhyWhy! delves into stories on the theme of Sweat shared by various individuals, including Anna Levine, Ephraim Rinsky, Susan Warchaizer, Libby Weiss, Mira Fox, and Tal Brody.
In this reflective narrative, the author recounts a transformative experience mountain biking in Sedona with their rabbi and an insightful Native American guide named George.
In preparation for Independence Day, this article provides two barbecue recipes from Jewish sources for the Fourth of July celebration.
An Israeli individual, Yosef Dagan, played a crucial role in the introduction of penalty shootouts in soccer as a means to decide tied games, ultimately leading to the elimination of a luck-based drawing method by FIFA.
Israel's troubled history in the World Cup is a captivating tale of political intrigue and sporting challenges.
With the U.S. and Israeli teams out of the World Cup, the dilemma remains for Jewish fans regarding which team to support.
Lionel Messi and the Argentinian national soccer team decided to cancel a friendly match in Israel following threats from Palestinian terrorists led by Jibril Rajoub.
Renowned hockey broadcaster Stan Fischler, known as The Hockey Maven, is retiring at 86 after a long career covering the New York Islanders, Rangers, and New Jersey Devils.
Baseball has long held a significant place in the lives of American Jews, particularly men, as explored through the lens of American-Jewish newspapers' coverage from the late 19th to early 20th centuries.
The text discusses the lack of success and representation of Jewish wrestlers in the world of professional wrestling, particularly in the WWE.
Former NBA All-Star Amare Stoudemire has launched a line of kosher-for-Passover Israeli wines in collaboration with the Israel Wine Producers Association.
A Jewish author reflects on his childhood love for collecting baseball cards with a Catholic friend, initially indifferent to players' Jewish background but later developing a curiosity and appreciation for Jewish Major Leaguers.
Margaret Lambert, also known as Greta Bergmann, was a talented Jewish high jumper in Germany whose Olympic dreams were dashed due to Nazi persecution in the 1930s.
Israel's national soccer team lost 1-0 to Spain, ending its 48-year dream of playing in the 2018 World Cup.
Dodger Stadium, home of the Los Angeles Dodgers, holds a hidden history as it was built near the site of the first Jewish cemetery in Los Angeles.
Ari Kaplan, a respected Sabermetrician in Major League Baseball, is also deeply involved in researching the fate of Holocaust rescuer Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat who saved numerous Jews during the Nazi era and disappeared during the Red Army's Siege of Budapest in 1945.
In 1984, the Chicago Cubs advanced to the National League Championship Series against the San Diego Padres, which carried personal significance for the author due to familial connections with a Padres fan.
Noad Lahat, an Israeli MMA fighter, reflects on his Jewish identity, upbringing, and decision to balance his athletic career with defending Israel.
WWE entertainer Paul Heyman, who is Jewish and has a personal connection to the Holocaust through his mother, recited a few lines of the Kaddish prayer to symbolically mourn his opponent Goldberg before a wrestling match.
UCLA has appointed Jedd Fisch, an assistant coach from Michigan, as its new offensive coordinator, leading to excitement among Jewish college football fans as he will work closely with star Bruins quarterback Josh Rosen.
Goldberg, a wrestler who recently returned to the ring after 12 years, embodies Jewish pride and identity.
TMZ shared a video of NBA legend Shaquille O'Neal dancing the hora at a Miami wedding, showcasing his good dance skills.
In 1968, high school students at the Hebrew Theological College in Skokie, IL, encountered the Chicago Cubs' Ron Santo, a revered baseball player, near their campus.
The article reflects on the pivotal decisions made by Jewish baseball legends Hank Greenberg and Sandy Koufax to sit out important games for Yom Kippur, highlighting their impact on the Jewish and American cultural landscape.

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