Tag: Advice

The article compiles sage advice from Jewish dads, shared by Instagram followers.
In this article, teenagers from around the world share the best advice they have ever received.
The "Over the Hill" podcast episode discusses the historical significance of the Yiddish advice column "A Bintel Brief" in helping Jewish immigrants navigate American life, its modern adaptations including a podcast by the contemporary Forward, and the analysis of advice, gossip, and public opinions in light of a recent Jonah Hill scandal.
In the "Up the Down Podcast," the hosts discuss listener questions, including one from a husband concerned about his wife leaving her teaching profession.
In a podcast discussion, the topic of elite condescension and credentialism is highlighted, focusing on how the elite often believe they know best in advising on how to communicate to encourage responsible behavior during the pandemic and how credentialism can hinder social mobility, further benefiting those who are already privileged.
In this excerpt from "One Hundred Autobiographies: A Memoir" by David Lehman, the narrator recounts seeking advice from a wise man in the synagogue on how to avoid the draft during the Vietnam War.
This piece shares two scenarios where individuals, Rebecca and Baruch, are faced with insensitivity from others regarding their personal struggles - Rebecca with infertility and Baruch with unemployment.
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the renowned sex therapist, provides six Valentine's Day tips for various scenarios.