Tag: Amalek

This article explores the complex and contentious topic of the biblical mandate to destroy Amalek while examining its modern-day implications in light of Israeli military actions and genocidal accusations.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Bradley Burston discuss the topics of peace and Amalek, ending with a heartwarming anecdote from Israel.
The Parashah of the week, Vayikra, discusses the command to wipe out the memory of Amalek, known for an unprovoked attack against the Israelites after leaving Egypt.
The article discusses reimagining Purim traditions in response to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, cautioning against using the holiday's themes of power and revenge to justify violence.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected claims that his reference to Amalek, an ancient enemy of the Israelites, indicated genocidal intent during the country's conflict with Hamas.
In a recent address to the citizens of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu invoked the biblical figure of Amalek in reference to the October 7 Hamas terror attacks.
In the face of the destruction in Gaza, it is important to remember the lessons of the Torah and the wisdom it imparts.
In this discussion, Miriam Herschlag, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron cover three topics.
This text discusses the concept of Amalek and its relevance in understanding contemporary conflicts, particularly Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
In this video, Rabbi Joseph Dweck explores the idea of whether the Amalekites, who are associated with the biblical story of Purim, can be considered the first existentialists.
The text explores the significant role and characterization of Amalek in Jewish tradition, focusing on their attacks on the Israelites in the wilderness and later during the Purim story with Haman.
Alan Kadish discusses the concept of chosenness and bias within the Jewish community, noting a rise in racism and antisemitism in American society and proposing a review of Jewish attitudes towards others.
Rabbi Lichtenstein reflects on the source of faith based on personal experiences and mentors like his parents and prominent rabbis Rav Hutner and Rav Aaron Soloveichik.