Tag: American Jews

This article explores the surprising and sometimes disconcerting ingredients found in traditional Jewish recipes, challenging the romanticized notion of ancestral culinary heritage.
Noah, filled with anxiety over the elections, finds comfort with Liquid Plumr, a garage band from Shuafat refugee camp that marked his transition to adulthood in Israel.
The article discusses Bernie Sanders' Jewish identity and his reluctance to emphasize it in his political career, despite growing pressure to do so.
Simon Rawidowicz's essay "Israel: The Ever-Dying People" reflects on the Jewish historical tendency to fear disappearing while paradoxically surviving.
The season one finale of Adventures in Jewish Studies delves into the complexities of Jewish identity and whiteness in America, highlighting the historical journey of Ashkenazi Jews from being marginalized as victims of anti-Semitism and white supremacy to later assimilating into mainstream white America and experiencing privilege.
On AJC Passport, Congressman Brad Schneider talks about the anti-BDS bill and President Trump's remarks on Jewish Democrats.
The text discusses President Trump's recent remarks about American Jews and their perceived disloyalty, emphasizing the need for the Jewish community to respond to this divisive rhetoric.
Rabbis have historically faced challenges during the summer months as congregants often prioritize leisure activities over religious duties.
In "The Over Again Edition," Don Futterman, Noah Efron, and Miriam Herschlag discuss Israel's new elections shortly after the previous ones, the Center-Left movement's recent impactful demonstration against Netanyahu, and the provocative action of women in Jerusalem using nudity to deter ultra-Orthodox protesters.
A recent study comparing Canadian Jews to their American counterparts reveals that Canadian Jews are thriving due to lower intermarriage rates, higher participation in Jewish institutions, stronger religious identities, and deeper connections with Israel.
A mother reflects on taking her daughter to synagogue in the wake of increased security measures following the Tree of Life shooting.
Internal documents obtained by the Forward reveal that the Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) staff expressed concerns in a 2016 memo that anti-BDS legislation targeting boycotts of Israel could harm American Jews, deeming such laws ineffective, unworkable, and unconstitutional.
Qatar hired lobbyists to improve its image among American Jews, with new details revealing the lobbyists were paid far more than previously known, particularly through Blue Fort Public Relations LLC and other firms.
In "The Holocaust Averted: An Alternate History of American Jews, 1938-1967," Jeffrey S. Gurock explores a hypothetical scenario where the outcome of World War II was different and the Holocaust did not occur.
Yale professor Eliyahu Stern challenges the common prediction of Orthodox Judaism dominating American Jewish life, questioning the sustainability of Orthodox communities due to economic challenges and lifestyle issues associated with Haredi and modern Orthodoxy.
In the podcast episode "The Mourning in America Edition," Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman delve into significant topics such as the impact of Israel's reaction to the Pittsburgh massacre on American Jews' forgiveness, the left's confrontational approach to Yitzhak Rabin's legacy, and the unexpected election of a feminist mayor in a predominantly ultra-Orthodox town in Israel.
In this special episode titled "On Squirrel Hill: Ep. 156," the podcast Unorthodox focuses on the tragic anti-Semitic attack in Pittsburgh that resulted in the death of 11 Jews in a synagogue.
The text discusses the concept of aninut in Jewish mourning practices and how it relates to the recent tragedy at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, where 11 people were murdered.
The text discusses Modern Orthodox Judaism in America, highlighting its diversification and complexity, especially in areas such as dating preferences, religious practices, and ideological debates within the movement.
Emma Lazarus creatively captures the spirit of Rosh Hashanah 5643 in her poem, reflecting on the challenges faced by Eastern European Jews and the hope for a better future.
Eli and Evan, along with Israeli journalist Allison Kaplan Sommer, discuss the impact of the nation-state law passed by the Knesset and recent Birthright walkouts by American Jews on a podcast.
In this discussion, Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman explore the dynamics of the relationship between American and Israeli Jews, with Israelis indicating that American Jewish opinions matter, but not significantly.
Israeli government officials approached leading American Jewish institutions offering funds to combat the BDS movement, but at least four organizations, including the Jewish Federations of North America and the Jewish Council on Public Affairs, declined the offers due to concerns about being required to register as foreign agents.
Al Jazeera, a Qatar-based media outlet known for its pro-Islamist leanings, has sent letters to various U.S.-based Jewish and pro-Israel organizations and individuals, indicating they will likely be featured in a documentary about pro-Israel advocacy groups in the U.S.
Tu B'Shevat, the Jewish New Year of the Trees, is experiencing a modern-day appeal due to its focus on regeneration and its minimal requirements for celebration, such as no fasting or synagogue attendance.