Tag: American Jews

The text discusses how American Jews may feel unsupported by both the current political options represented by Biden and Trump.
The text discusses the surprising defeat of Jamaal Bowman, who is both a Squad member and an anti-Semite, in a Democratic primary.
The text highlights how liberal American Jews have overlooked the mainstream presence of anti-Zionism within progressive circles, particularly on college campuses like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which merges diverse leftist ideologies.
Families of hostages held by Hamas are pleading for support from American Jewish institutions to pressure Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to secure a deal for their release.
"Displaced Persons" by Joan Leegant is a collection of poignant stories focusing on characters struggling with afflictions, trauma, and a search for stability and renewal.
Recent events in Los Angeles and New York highlight a concerning rise in anti-Semitic incidents targeting Jews.
Shany Granot-Lubaton and her husband Omer Lubaton-Granot came to NYC hoping to escape Israeli politics but instead found themselves leading a protest movement there.
Edward Luttwak criticizes what he calls "Obama's Law," which dictates that Iran can attack others but cannot be attacked itself, leading to chaos and warfare in the Middle East.
The discussion revolves around the division among American Jews following Israel's conflict with Gaza, affecting various institutions like synagogues.
In a recent pro-Israel parade in New York and a rally in Tel Aviv, divergent perspectives on bringing hostages home were highlighted.
The NAACP initially called for a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to American weapon shipments to Israel but later revised its statement to specifically target weapons aimed at civilians.
The text discusses the author's realization of living near a World War II naval hero, Adm. Leon Kintberger, and reflects on his heroic actions in the Pacific.
The article argues that it's time for American Jews to recognize the State of Palestine to advance the peace process between Israel and Palestinians.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch, a leader in the Reform Movement and senior rabbi of Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, discusses the concept of Jewish Peoplehood among American Jews, particularly in the context of non-Orthodox views.
Amidst rising antisemitism, fear, and trauma, the American Jewish community remains resilient and compassionate.
Amidst ongoing debates of American Jews criticizing Israel, the historical backdrop of internal Jewish disagreements, from ancient times to modern conflicts, is highlighted as a reminder of persistent divisions.
The article discusses how American Jews are increasingly falling for exaggerations, lies, and conspiracy theories related to issues like the Israel/Palestine conflict, leading to a sense of fear and paranoia within the community.
Israeli observers, including Fleur Hassan and Yana Naftalieva, view recent protests on American campuses as fueled by antisemitism rather than genuine concern for Palestinians.
Israeli observers, including officials and individuals, perceive protests on American campuses as driven by antisemitism rather than genuine concern for Palestinians.
This YouTube video delves into the events surrounding John Monash and the Hundred Days of 1918, including his role in the war, the Bean-Murdoch Intrigue, battles like Hamel and Amiens, and the Armistice, alongside discussions on peace.
A survey conducted by the Jewish Federations of North America found that, during the conflict between Israel and Hamas, a majority of American Jews expressed feeling close to Israel but were uncomfortable with the actions of its government.
A survey conducted during the Gaza war found that most American Jews felt emotionally close to Israel but were uncomfortable with the actions of its government.
Professor Noah Feldman discusses the evolving relationship between young American Jews and the concept of Judaism as intertwined with social justice, questioning how Israel aligns with this view.
Adam Witkov, a 39-year-old Reform Jew from Milwaukee, expresses his concern over the lack of Jewish support from progressive causes in the face of antisemitism disguised as anti-Zionism, particularly following the aftermath of October 7.
The article discusses the relationship between Israel's actions and antisemitism, arguing that blaming Israel for antisemitism only serves to aid antisemites by absolving them of their responsibility.