Tag: American Jews

The Forward recently published a list of the 125 most influential American Jews since its launch in 1897.
Eric Alterman's book, "We Are Not One," critiques American Jewish support for Israel and the Zionist project.
The Forward, a Jewish publication, celebrates its 125th anniversary by creating a fictional Shabbat dinner with 125 influential American Jews from 1897 to 2022.
The article explores the cultural link between American Jews and Chinese food, particularly the tradition of eating Chinese food on Christmas.
The Forward has released its list of the 125 most influential American Jews from 1897-2022 as part of its 125th anniversary celebration.
In this episode of the Salt & Pfeffer podcast, Noah Efron and Miriam Herschlag discuss two important topics.
Noah Efron and Miriam Herschlag discuss the controversy surrounding Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to allow a homophobic party leader control over school enrichment programs.
The article discusses the ongoing negotiations between Israeli PM Netanyahu and his potential coalition partners, highlighting delays in reaching agreements on issues like judicial reform and new conversion laws.
In his new book "We Are Not One: A History of America's Fight Over Israel," journalist and historian Eric Alterman discusses the history of the U.S.-Israel relationship, highlighting important moments from Eisenhower's confrontation with Ben Gurion to Netanyahu's clashes with Obama.
In this episode, the focus is on the recent U.S. and Israeli elections and their implications for American Jews and U.S.-Israel relations.
In this episode of Haaretz Weekly, host Amir Tibon and Haaretz journalists Allison Kaplan Sommer and Ben Samuels discuss the implications of the recent Israeli elections and their impact on the U.S.-Israel relationship.
The author reflects on a moment in Jerusalem where they experienced fear during a rocket attack incident, highlighting the anxiety and dread felt despite being safe.
In this discussion, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain examine the observance of Rosh Hashanah in Israel and its implications for Jewish identity and the relationship between Jewishness and Israeliness.
This episode from Limmud Oz in Melbourne features Noah reflecting on his decision with his wife Susan to move their family from the U.S. to Israel, exploring the reasons behind their choice and the impact on them and their children.
In this discussion, Robert Nicholson highlights the changing landscape of evangelical Zionism.
Robert Nicholson discusses the changing landscape of evangelical Zionism in a podcast.
In this discussion, the issue of Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) aggression against American Jews celebrating a Bar Mitzvah at the egalitarian section of the Western Wall is explored.
In this episode of People of the Pod from AJC Global Forum 2022, the interplay between progressive groups and American Jews is examined.
In a walk through a park with A.B. Yehoshua, the author discusses his critique of American Jewry and his vision of Zionism.
Tablet Magazine provides a range of articles and features covering a variety of topics in Jewish culture, history, and current events.
This article is a response to Paul O'Brien, the executive director of Amnesty International USA, who stated that American Jews don't want Israel to be a Jewish state, but rather a safe Jewish space.
In the winter 2021 issue of Jewish Action, there is a continuation of the discussion around two key issues highlighted in the 2020 Pew study of American Jews: the high dropout rate within the Orthodox community and the fast assimilation of the non-Orthodox.
The discussion revolves around the importance of instilling a lifelong passion for Yiddishkeit (Judaism) in children.
The author of the first text emphasizes the importance of making Torah Judaism relatable and inspiring in order to keep students engaged and prevent them from opting out of the frum community as adults.
"Prayer for the French Republic" is a play written by Joshua Harmon that explores the question of whether it is safe to be Jewish in France.