Tag: Arab Israeli Relations

The YouTube video explores the slogan "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free" by delving into its historical roots, geographical significance, implications for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and current interpretations.
Atidna International is a student organization at the University of Texas founded by Jewish and Palestinian American students Elijah Kahlenberg and Jadd Hashem.
The author reflects on the growing fear and distrust between Jews and Arab-Israeli citizens in Jerusalem.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on their experiences during the Israel-Hamas war, particularly their interactions at a Palestinian coffee shop in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen is facing criticism for his public statement about his meeting with his Libyan counterpart, which led to her sacking and fleeing the country due to death threats.
The Middle East and Arab-Israeli relations are undergoing a significant shift, as a new strategic alignment is emerging that promises a better chance for regional states to isolate and stand up to radical forces.
In "Wishful Republic," Omri Boehm presents Haifa as a model for a binational federation in Israel that incorporates both Jews and Palestinians.
In this podcast episode, Ambassador Eitan Naeh discusses the one-year anniversary of the Abraham Accords, which saw Israel establish normalized relations with the United Arab Emirates and later with Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan.
In 1977, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's groundbreaking visit to Israel took many by surprise, including Palestinian leaders who were aligned with the PLO.