Tag: Berlin

The James Simon Galerie in Berlin, built as an adjunct to the city's grand museums, commemorates James Simon, a Jewish philanthropist integral to bringing cultural treasures like the Nefertiti bust and Ishtar Gate to Germany.
Margaret Lambert, also known as Greta Bergmann, was a talented Jewish high jumper in Germany whose Olympic dreams were dashed due to Nazi persecution in the 1930s.
When Hitler rose to power in 1933, German Jews, who numbered 535,000, faced increasing violence and discrimination as the Nazi regime implemented anti-Jewish laws and decrees, aiming to force Jews to leave Germany.
The text discusses the author's experiences visiting monuments and memorials to Jewish history in Berlin and Prague, observing the contrast between dispassionate and specific depictions of the Holocaust.
The text discusses the issue of disrespect and inappropriate behavior at sensitive locations such as Holocaust memorials and concentration camps, particularly focusing on a project called Yolocaust by Shahak Shapira.
In 2015, amidst the refugee crisis in Europe, Holger Michel, a young German, started volunteering at a shelter in Berlin and eventually organized a shelter for over 1000 refugees in an abandoned building.
The article discusses the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin, designed by Peter Eisenman, and its connection to visitor behavior, tourist activities, and the lack of deep contemplation at the site.
The European Maccabi Games, Europe's largest Jewish sports event, is set to take place at Berlin's Olympiastadion, where in 1936, Jewish athletes defied Nazi attempts to ban them from the Olympics.
Allison, Don, Eilon, and Noah discuss the low voter turnout in local elections, questioning why fewer people are voting and the significance of voting.
In 1785, Moses Mendelssohn, a prominent Enlightenment philosopher and a symbol of religious tolerance, found himself embroiled in a controversy sparked by Friedrich Jacobi's public disclosure that their mutual friend, Lessing, had embraced Spinozism.
Elias Bickerman, a renowned Jewish historian of the ancient world who worked closely with Jewish studies masters, notably refused to learn Hebrew despite his international acclaim as one of the greatest historians of the Jews.
Three years ago, easyJet faced backlash for featuring a fashion editorial in its in-flight magazine that showcased models posing at Berlin's Jewish Museum and Holocaust Memorial adjacent to inappropriate text.
David Ignatius expresses concern about impending conflicts in the Middle East, particularly involving Iran, and recommends that the United States take a more independent and assertive approach in negotiations.
In 2008, a monument in Berlin honoring gay victims of the Nazi regime was created, with architectural similarities to the nearby Holocaust memorial.