Tag: Betrayal

A woman named Cecile, now known as Sara, discovered her connection to Judaism while facing anti-Semitism during her time at Columbia University.
The video explores Sara's journey of discovering her Judaism at Columbia University amidst a challenging environment including violent threats, gaslighting, exclusion, and betrayal after October 7th.
In this article from Future of Jewish, it is discussed how Anne Frank and her family were discovered and betrayed while they were in hiding during the Holocaust.
The author reflects on the importance of self-scrutiny and introspection during the month of Elul leading up to the High Holidays.
This article criticizes President Joe Biden's approach to Iran, arguing that his policies amount to a betrayal of the Iranian people.
Avishai Margalit, a prominent philosopher, delves into the intricacies of betrayal in his book "On Betrayal," examining the connections and distinctions among actions like adultery, treason, and apostasy as breaches of trust.
David Bezmozgis' novel "The Betrayers" explores the complex themes of loyalty, betrayal, and sacrifice within the Jewish context, drawing parallels to real-life events and moral dilemmas.
Professors Alan Wolfe and Dennis Klein examine different aspects of Jewish identity and experience.