Tag: Book Of Esther

This year, Six13, a Jewish a cappella group, released a Purim song medley that is different from the usual parodies due to the current challenges facing Israel and the Jewish community.
Contemporary poetry's focus on finding profundity and wonder in ordinary experiences, rather than overtly religious themes, is explored in relation to the concept of "Purim Jews."
The text discusses the importance of unity within Israel, drawing parallels to the story of Esther and the theme of division propagated by Haman.
Koren Publishers recently released a new edition of the book of Esther, featuring a graphic novel version of the story illustrated by Yael Nathan and overseen by Jordan B. Gorfinkel, a former editor at DC Comics.
In 2022, Mosaic held 46 conversations on various topics in Jewish life, including the Jewish community in Ukraine, sexual ethics, Israeli judicial reform, the book of Esther, and the passing of a renowned Jewish critic.
In 2022, Mosaic hosted 46 new conversations on various topics in modern Jewish life.
Purim Katan, or Little Purim, is a lesser-known celebration that occurs in Jewish leap years when there are two months of Adar.
Purim spiels have a long history in Jewish culture, providing a space for social and political commentary through humor.
Ronna Burger, a professor of philosophy at Tulane University, offers a philosophical interpretation of the book of Esther, which Jews study during the celebration of Purim.
In this article, Ronna Burger, a professor of philosophy at Tulane University, explores the book of Esther as a philosophical text.
In this text, the authors challenge the assumption that Jews and Persians have always been enemies, while acknowledging the modern Iranian government's anti-Israel stance.
The upcoming holiday of Purim celebrates concealment and redemption through hiddenness, reflected in the story of Esther where God's role is subtly revealed through human actions without His name being mentioned.
The article "Joy at Last: Reflections on the End of Esther" by Erica Brown delves into the overlooked theme of joy in the Book of Esther.
The discussion in Megillah 14b about the eight prophets who descended from Rahab reveals a hidden message of hope and trust in God.
Evangelicals, including Paula White and other pastors, draw parallels between Queen Esther's story and Donald Trump, viewing both as figures raised up by God for specific times.
The article discusses the character of Ahasuerus from the Book of Esther, highlighting his leadership traits and flaws.
Jeremy Dauber, author of "Jewish Comedy: A Serious History," discusses the significance of Jewish humor rooted in the Book of Esther and its correlation with Jewish history and culture, particularly through the lens of Purim.
The Book of Esther has different versions in Jewish, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant scriptures, impacting the portrayal of God's presence and the themes of human initiative and assimilation.
American presidents have had a long history of interacting with Jewish artists, from President Monroe attending a play by Jewish playwright Isaac Harby in 1817 to Teddy Roosevelt inspiring Israel Zangwill's play "The Melting Pot" in 1908.
Purim is a festive Jewish holiday commemorating the thwarting of a plot to annihilate the Jews in ancient Persia.