Tag: Character Development

The text explores the human tendency to care about other people's opinions and the impact it can have on our lives.
The discussion in this week's parashah, Nitzavim-Vayelech, focuses on personal growth and change as we approach the New Year.
The article discusses the importance of character development in Jewish education, drawing on the wisdom of rabbinic authorities and research in educational psychology and neuroscience.
The twelfth chapter of II Samuel focuses on the consequences of David's wrongdoings, particularly his affair with Batsheva and his role in the death of her husband Uriah.
"Pure Colour" by Sheila Heti is a novel that explores the tension between abstraction and empathy in art.
"A Dual Inheritance" by Joanna Hershon follows the lives of two Harvard friends, Hugh and Ed, representing contrasts in upbringing and character.
The text explores the idea of responsibility in storytelling, highlighting how authors shape the fates of their characters.
"Melisande! What Are Dreams?" by Hillel Halkin tells the story of a love triangle involving the narrator, Hoo, his wife Mellie, and their friend Ricky.