Tag: Community Involvement

Etz Chaim Primary was recently inspected by Ofsted, receiving a good rating across all areas with a focus on nurturing a positive learning environment for the students.
The National Jewish Identity Survey conducted in the UK reveals a varied landscape of Jewish practice and beliefs, with only a third of UK Jews adhering strictly to the biblical description of God.
The text includes several letters from readers in a Jewish publication.
Jewish day schools in the US have seen a surge in enrollment of Israeli children whose schools have been closed due to the ongoing conflict with Hamas.
A recent Pew study revealed that a significant portion of Jewish adults in America identify as atheist, agnostic, or having no religion.
On Christmas Day, Tamar Manasseh, a Jewish woman from Chicago, organizes a gift-giving caravan to distribute toys to children and families in poor neighborhoods who might not otherwise receive gifts.
The financial stress of living an Orthodox lifestyle has led many Orthodox Jews to consider moving to more affordable regions.
Rabbi Mike Uram and others are exploring how startup culture can revitalize Jewish organizations, emphasizing the need for disruptive innovations within the Jewish institutional world to engage more people in Jewish life.