Tag: Crime

The essay discusses the concept of innocence regarding Palestinians in the context of their involvement in violence against Israelis.
This podcast episode discusses three recent crimes in American cities and questions if these incidents could mark a shift in the perception of crime in liberal-run urban areas.
This article discusses the life and criminal career of Irving Wexler, also known as Waxey Gordon, a notorious gangster in New York City and Chicago during the 1920s and 30s.
The discussion covers the recent elections in Chicago and Wisconsin, exploring their implications for issues like abortion and crime.
Rosie Hertz, known as the Lower East Side Madam, was a Jewish immigrant who ran a successful brothel operation in New York City from the late 1880s to around 1913.
In a recent podcast, the discussion highlighted how extremists on the Left pose a challenge for Joe Biden in addressing crime issues, while individuals like Tucker Carlson are complicating matters for the GOP by downplaying the events of January 6, making it difficult to attract independent voters.
The podcast discusses the surprising defeat of incumbent Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot in a Democratic primary, with her receiving only 15 percent of the vote after a landslide victory four years earlier.
The article discusses the different reactions to Donald Trump's speech announcing his new presidential run, with professional political backers appreciating his restraint while his fans liked everything else.
The text discusses Elon Musk's recent purchase of Twitter, questioning if it could be deemed the most ill-considered financial transaction in history.
The podcast discusses a recent crime incident in Chicago where a criminal was released and committed further crimes, leading to a broader discussion about how Republicans might be impacting the Democratic polling surge by emphasizing crime issues.
The discussion revolves around whether voters will prioritize the issue of abortion rights like the political class does, potentially neglecting pressing matters such as inflation and crime.
The podcast discussion delves into the theme of crime occurring in close proximity to individuals.