Tag: Cultural Preservation

Jewish studies scholars in Ukraine are showcasing resilience and dedication amidst the ongoing crises in their country, highlighting valuable lessons for the global Jewish community.
"Dwell Time: A Memoir of Art, Exile, and Repair" by Rosa Lowinger delves into the author's personal history as a Cuban-born art conservator, intertwining themes of generational trauma, exile, and caring for aging parents.
Joshua Spinner reflects on a meeting in Rome where a young Roman Jew expressed contentment with complaining about Jewish life for 2,000 years without wanting to change anything, a stark contrast to American ideals of pursuing change.
Descendants of hidden Jews in Asia, particularly the Macanese in Macau, China, and the Kristang people in Singapore and Malaysia, are mixed-heritage creole communities who maintain unique languages inherited from their Sephardic Jewish ancestors forced to convert to Catholicism in the 16th century to escape the Inquisition.
The article discusses the resilience of Ethiopian Jewish practices, highlighting how the community maintains its identity and religious traditions despite challenges.
The author of The Jewish Table celebrates reaching 500 paid subscribers and shares their excitement about receiving a collection of Jewish cookbooks from a friend.
Iraqi-American artist Michael Rakowitz has created an American Golem, a monument made from fragments of other monuments, as a way of reconstructing and redefining destructed cultural works.
As the Persian new year approaches, the Persian Jewish community in Los Angeles celebrates Nowruz by shopping at the Persian Jewish markets of Pico-Robertson.
The Sephardic Heritage Museum is dedicated to preserving the history and culture of the Jewish communities in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and other regions dating back 3,000 years.
The Jewish Food Society, founded by Naama Shefi in 2017, is dedicated to preserving and revitalizing Jewish culinary heritage.