Tag: Daniel Gordis

This recommendation suggests reading material to better understand and justify the existence of Israel.
In this discussion, Daniel Gordis and Amy E. Schwartz explore the question of whether American Jews can fully understand the experience of Israelis living in Israel.
This article provides a list of influential figures to follow in order to gain a better understanding of Israel today.
Prominent American-Israeli author Daniel Gordis, along with authors and lecturers Yossi Klein Halevi and Matti Friedman, urge diaspora Jews to support the protest movement in Israel against the Netanyahu government's proposed changes in the judicial system.
In a discussion about assessing the success of a country like Israel at 75 years, Daniel Gordis explores key components such as leadership, morality, and the complexities of governance.
In "Walking Upright" by Daniel Gordis, the author explores the successes and failures of Zionism and the State of Israel in relation to the aspirations of Israel's Declaration of Independence.
In his book "Impossible Takes Longer: 75 Years After Its Creation, Has Israel Fulfilled Its Founders Dreams?", Daniel Gordis argues that despite the challenges and pain Israel has faced, it has fundamentally changed the condition of the Jewish people and should provide a case for optimism.
In an open letter by Yossi Klein Halevi, Matti Friedman, and Daniel Gordis, the question is raised whether Diaspora Jews should engage in Israel's internal debates.
In this article, Yossi Klein Halevi, Matti Friedman, and Daniel Gordis argue that Diaspora Jews should be involved in Israel's internal debates.
This article discusses the concept of the "New Jew" in Israel, which emerged before the state's founding, with the idea that the new Jewish state would bring about a new type of Jew free from diaspora history and traditions.
This article discusses the concept of the "New Jew" and its relevance in modern-day Israel.
The text mentions an individual named Danny, who is a columnist for Bloomberg View and has authored over ten books, including a history of Israel ("Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn"), a biography of Menachem Begin ("The Battle for Israel's Soul"), and a recent work on the divide between American Jews and Israel ("We Stand Divided").
In this podcast episode, Representative Ted Deutch discusses the opposition to unilateral annexation and the future of the U.S.-Israel relationship.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron delve into various Israeli political aspects in their discussion.
In "The President, the Prime Minister & the General Edition," Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss topics including the actions of Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, the challenges faced by Prime Minister Netanyahu in negotiations, and the strategies of Lt. General Benny Gantz post-election despite having garnered significant votes.
In "We Stand Divided," Daniel Gordis explores the longstanding rift between American Jews and Israel, tracing its roots back to differing views on religion, history, identity, and democracy.
Menachem Begin, a prominent figure in Israeli politics, faced early condemnation, even being compared to Hitler.
In response to concerns about the decline of American non-Orthodox Judaism following The Pew Research Center's report, Daniel Gordis' piece "Requiem for a Movement" laments the perceived failure of Conservative Judaism.
Various Jewish scholars and rabbis engage in a discussion responding to Daniel Gordis' critique of Conservative Judaism.