Tag: Environment

In honor of Yom Ha-Shoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), the text discusses Israel's journey towards grappling with the Holocaust over decades, culminating in a significant acknowledgment in 1988, 43 years after the liberation of the concentration camps.
Rabbi Wittenberg presents thoughtful insights on the weekly Torah portions, emphasizing inclusivity, care, and social justice.
Manitoba's Lieutenant Governor, Anita Neville, expressed admiration for King Charles after meeting him in person and discussing various topics, confident in his abilities as a monarch.
Jewish tradition emphasizes humanity's responsibility to care for and protect the environment, viewing it as a form of stewardship.
Canadian Orthodox rabbis are advocating for environmental conservation in honor of Tu B'Shevat, with initiatives like vegan Shabbat dinners and sustainable practices such as installing solar panels and using LED lights.
In this article, Alan Jotkowitz discusses the theological response needed in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, racial unrest, and environmental crises.
The Hybrid Forest is a visionary idea conceived by Moshe Shtrauch that combines technology and natural energy to create self-sustaining environments.
In a tweet, Gerald Kutney, a scientist and climate advocate, highlights the urgent need to address the pressing issue of climate change, emphasizing the physical and spiritual aspects that are often overlooked.
Retirees like Richard Corman are increasingly volunteering in Israel after making aliyah, utilizing their skills to benefit Israeli society.
In a discussion titled "The 'Ugly Israelis?' Edition," the hosts delve into the significance of the phrase "Never again" regarding the Holocaust, exploring the lessons Israelis should and shouldn't draw from it, along with the unique Israeli exceptionalism linked to Holocaust memory.
Viktor Frankl, known as the father of Logotherapy, emphasized the importance of finding meaning in life.