Tag: Freedom Of Speech

Playwright Paul Grellong's drama "Power of Sail" tackles the theme of platforming extremists on university campuses, exploring the blurred lines between free speech and hate speech.
The text discusses a personal reflection on liberalism and its relationship with current issues like the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Former Facebook executive Sam Lessin, after the rise of antisemitism and controversies at Harvard following the Hamas terror attacks, made a bid for Harvards Board of Overseers, emphasizing the importance of re-centering the university on academic excellence rather than multiple competing goals that have led to factionalism among students.
Baruch Spinoza, a 17th-century philosopher, was a radical free thinker with strong moral principles, despite his disbelief in an all-seeing God.
The University of California Board of Regents will be voting on a measure to limit political expression on university websites and other official channels.
During a conference hosted by the European Jewish Association in Krakow, Elon Musk claimed that his social media platform, X (formerly known as Twitter), could have saved Jews from the Holocaust.
Arab Israeli students are facing disciplinary action for innocuous social media posts made on personal accounts following the Hamas terrorist attack in Southern Israel.
The author discusses the contradiction between university presidents' condemnations of anti-Semitism in society, such as the events in Charlottesville, and their unwillingness to unequivocally condemn anti-Semitic hate speech on their own campuses.
Several Jewish professors at universities across the United States have faced consequences, including lawsuits, terminations, and suspensions, for making pro-Israel remarks that administrators deemed to be threatening speech.
Pro-Palestine protests across Europe have faced severe repression from governments and authorities in recent weeks.
A Jewish student at Harvard College shares her experience of a culture war that has erupted on campus following a statement by the Palestine Solidarity Committee blaming Israel for recent violence.
The U.S. State Department faces a dilemma as diplomat Fritz Berggren, known for operating a racist and antisemitic blog, remains employed due to First Amendment protections despite calls for his dismissal.
The author, a former professor at Princeton University, reflects on their experience of being "canceled" and the unexpected benefits that came with it.
Cancel culture is a significant issue for Jews and liberal democracy.
Masih Alinejad, an Iranian-American journalist and women's rights advocate, is currently in hiding in the United States due to threats from the Iranian regime.
The text discusses a podcast highlighting the controversial firing of tenured Princeton professor Joshua Katz for expressing views deemed unacceptable by the university's leadership, who allegedly sought a pretext to dismiss him.
The author argues that American culture is currently experiencing a crisis, with the aesthetic impulse and intellectual engagement being overshadowed by a rigid progressive orthodoxy that values identity politics and inclusivity over artistic freedom and open dialogue.
The podcast discusses the criticism faced by a letter in Harper's Magazine that defended free expression, highlighting the irony of prominent liberals and leftists being attacked for supporting this principle.
A recent survey of 8,000 Americans reveals that the majority, including people of all ages, races, and educational levels, oppose political correctness, viewing it as a problem due to its restrictions on speech and thought.