Tag: Gaza War

The NYPD will enhance security for an upcoming Israel parade in New York City amid tensions related to the Gaza war and increased antisemitism, deploying various measures including drones, canine units, and mounted police.
In a series of letters to the editor, various authors discuss different aspects related to Jewish issues.
The International Atomic Energy Agency revealed that Iran has accumulated enough uranium for three nuclear bombs, enriching it to almost weapons-grade during distractions like conflicts in Gaza.
Israeli national security adviser Tzachi Hanegbi predicts that the conflict with Hamas in Gaza will continue until the end of the year, aiming for the destruction of Hamas' governing and military capabilities.
In a recent episode of Israel Policy Pod, the focus is on the challenges facing UNRWA and the need for reform following the conflict in Gaza and events on October 7.
The text discusses Israel's struggle in the international public relations sphere amid conflicts with Hamas in Gaza.
Rabbi Delphine Horveilleur, an influential French Jewish figure, reflects on the vulnerability felt by Diaspora Jews after recent attacks and the war in Gaza, noting a sense of brokenness even in Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been invited to address a joint session of Congress, causing a divide among Democrats.
The author, a Roman Catholic American with experience in the Middle East, reflects on the contrast between Israel and its neighbors, highlighting Israel's democracy, respect for human rights, and diversity despite its imperfections.
President Joe Biden assured a Jewish gathering that the U.S. will provide Israel with necessary support to combat Hamas, rejecting claims of genocide against Israel at the International Court of Justice.
President Biden has faced challenges trying to influence Israeli policies, particularly regarding Gaza and Netanyahu's government.
Rav Aharon Feldman, a prominent figure in Agudas Yisrael of America, offers a theodicy for the Gaza war in a letter suggesting it was a Divine message due to Israel's perceived godlessness.
The prosecutor for the International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, along with Hamas leaders, for war crimes and crimes against humanity related to the conflict in Gaza.
The prosecutor for the International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and Hamas leaders for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The Reconstructionist Rabbinical College's recent ordination ceremony highlighted divisions within the movement regarding Israel, as tensions surrounding Israel's actions, particularly in Gaza, have led to internal struggles.
The essay by Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador, argues that the legacy of the Holocaust continues through the persistent antisemitism that dehumanizes Jews, particularly in the media's coverage of Israel.
A deputy mayor of NYC accused the Washington Post of antisemitism for a story about wealthy Jews organizing to advocate for Israel and urging the mayor to address anti-Israel protests at Columbia University.
Lily Greenberg Call, a Jewish staffer who resigned from the Biden administration in protest of President Biden's support for Israel's actions in Gaza, expressed disappointment in the administration's handling of the conflict.
In a recent episode, Neri Zilber and Shanie Reichman discuss how Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut are impacted by the current state of U.S.-Israel relations, the Rafah operation within the Gaza conflict, Israel's lack of long-term strategy, dissent within the war cabinet, anti-Israel protests on campuses, and other related issues.
A growing anti-Zionist sentiment within the America First movement, as exemplified by Tucker Carlson’s interview with Palestinian Pastor Munther Isaac, is challenging historically unwavering support for Israel.
The article discusses the ongoing Gaza war and challenges the prevailing narratives on both sides, rejecting the characterization of the conflict as either genocide or purely a mission to eradicate Hamas.
Turkey's abrupt trade ban with Israel, announced by President Erdogan, has impacted both countries significantly, with implications for Jewish communities involved in trade between the two nations.
In Moments' BIvrit column, the Israeli press coverage of varying news themes is highlighted.
Israeli colleges, with a mix of Jewish and Arab students, have managed to remain calm despite the conflict in Gaza, contrasting with the unrest on US campuses.
The discussion involves an analysis by Tel Aviv University History Professor Yael Sternhell on the Israeli academia's repression following the arrest of Palestinian legal scholar Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, the discourse about the Gaza War, and the response in Israel to protests in the US.