Tag: Gaza War

The article discusses the concept of "the day after" in Israeli politics, focusing on the ongoing debate regarding the possibility of a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine, even as conflict continues.
In his book "The End of Israel: Dispatches from a Path to Catastrophe," Bradley Burston criticizes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for leading Israel towards a destructive path, desiring accusations of genocide, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing to maintain power by presenting himself as the savior against a hostile world.
Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib, a U.S. citizen and political analyst from Gaza, emphasizes the need for the left to stop apologizing for Hamas as part of pro-Palestine activism.
In a recent episode of "The Northern Front," Israel Policy Forum Policy Advisor Neri Zilber and military analyst Yaakov Lappin discuss the current dynamics between Israel and Hizballah, examining Hizballah's perspectives, the relationship to the Gaza conflict, and the options of diplomacy versus military action in resolving tensions.
A recent attack at a West Bank gas station carried out by a Palestinian gunman, suspected to be a Palestinian police officer, resulted in the deaths of two Israelis, including a 17-year-old boy.
In this podcast episode titled "The Local Yokels Edition," Miriam Herschlag, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron cover the topics of the ease of getting elected to public office in a democracy, the job security of mayors in major cities in Israel, and Jon Stewart's viral commentary on the Gaza war.
The text delves into a poignant account of a mother's deathbed plea to her daughter not to raise her children Jewish due to fears of danger and anti-Semitism.
Christie's New York is hosting an exhibition of 70 works of Israeli art, showcasing a century of culture and creativity in Israel, never before seen outside the country.
The article discusses a group of Jewish New York City and state lawmakers who accuse Israel of mass destruction in Gaza and criticize Israel's actions in the region, expressing concern for Palestinian civilians.
The writer discusses the personal evolution of their views on Israel, recounting experiences of conflict with friends holding anti-Israel sentiments.
The episode discussed by Israel Policy Forum's experts focuses on the current situation in the West Bank during the Gaza war, concerns ahead of Ramadan, diplomacy around Gaza and the potential success of the U.S.-led grand bargain, Palestinian Authority reform, and the post-conflict scenario in Gaza.
Amid calls for immediate elections in Israel, there is a growing rejection of Netanyahu's leadership, though it does not necessarily indicate a shift towards left-wing ideologies.
A survey conducted on American Jewish households in 2022 revealed that those who experienced antisemitism tend to donate significantly more to charity compared to those who have not faced antisemitism.
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's comparison of Israel's actions in Gaza to the Holocaust has sparked a major rift between Brazil and Israel, leading to Israel barring Lula from visiting and Brazil recalling its ambassador.
Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf has been making headlines for his outspoken views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, advocating for Palestinian refugees and criticizing Israel's actions in Gaza.
A group of progressive Jewish activists in Michigan are part of a campaign called MI Jews Uncommitted, aiming to pressure President Joe Biden on his support for Israel amid the conflict with Hamas in Gaza.
Mishy Harman, creator of the podcast Israel Story, launched a pop-up series called Wartime Diaries to capture personal experiences during Israel's recent conflicts in Gaza.
Israeli media coverage of U.S. affairs, the ongoing Gaza war, and broader conflicts focuses on stories like the recent heroic rescue of hostages in Gaza and the dilemma between continuing the war or saving hostages.
This week's episode features discussions between Israel Policy Forum Policy Advisor Neri Zilber and IPF Atid Director Shanie Reichman on various topics including a potential upcoming Rafah operation, the status of hostage negotiations, strains in the Israel-U.S. relationship due to the Gaza war, and growing tensions on the northern border with Lebanon.
This text highlights the rise of antisemitism disguised as criticism of Israel in left-wing and progressive circles.
The podcast episode delves into the complexities of how the world perceives Israel and its implications for Israeli foreign policy.
Moody's recent decision to downgrade Israel's credit rating has raised concerns about the country's economic future, signaling a shift from decades of growth.
In a recent Zoom call, James Zogby, President and Co-Founder of the Arab American Institute, and Abdelnasser Rashid, a Palestinian-American State Representative from Illinois, discussed the impact of the war in Gaza on Arab Americans.
The summary is as follows: The text discusses the dire living conditions in Rafah, a small area of the Gaza Strip, and the impending invasion by the Israeli military.
Eden Golan has been chosen to represent Israel in the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest.