Tag: Gaza War

Mark Regev, a close adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, expressed that the current tension between Israel and the U.S. is justifiable to defeat Hamas.
The text analyzes why the anti-Netanyahu strategy adopted by some Democrats, including Chuck Schumer, in response to Israel's war in Gaza may not be effective.
Former President Donald Trump's recent interview with Israel Hayom has sparked division within the Republican Jewish community regarding his stance on Israel.
The ongoing debate in Israel revolves around whether haredi Orthodox Jews should be conscripted into the Israeli army, as they are currently exempted to study Torah.
In a recent article, the settler movement in Israel has been noted for its strategy of confronting the Israeli military as a means to advance its objectives.
Protesters have been stationed outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., for a month, demonstrating against the ongoing conflict and calling for a ceasefire.
A panel discussion hosted by Hadassah Magazine's Executive Editor Lisa Hostein will feature English-language journalists in Israel sharing their experiences reporting on the aftermath of Hamas terror attacks from October 7 onwards.
Recent polls conducted on Israelis and Palestinians have shown that both groups share a belief that Israel is unlikely to emerge victorious in the current war, reflecting a growing doubt about Israel's ability to eradicate Hamas.
Prominent Jewish Democratic donors, including George and Liana Krupp, Barbara Dobkin, Carol Winograd, Tamara Abrams, Margery Goldman, and Marsha Rosenbaum, have joined more than 100 funders in a letter to President Joe Biden, urging him to reconsider his unconditional support for Israel's actions in Gaza.
Tony Kushner, a prominent American Jewish artist, criticizes Israel's actions in Gaza, likening them to ethnic cleansing.
Today's podcast delves into the Biden administration's changing stance on the Gaza war before transitioning into a discussion on the elite's impact on the American middle class, highlighted by Christine Rosen's article in COMMENTARY.
Several writers and activists, including Naomi Klein and Michelle Alexander, declined to participate in PEN America's World Voices Festival due to what they perceived as the organization's inadequate support of Palestinian artists during the Israel-Gaza conflict.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer harshly criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stating that his outdated policies no longer serve Israel's best interests, particularly in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The House of Representatives has passed a bill to potentially ban TikTok in the U.S. due to concerns about Chinese influence and manipulation on the platform.
Dore Gold, a prominent American-born Israeli political scientist and diplomat, discusses the current strained relationship between US President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu regarding their differing approaches to resolving conflicts like the Gaza war.
Some critics argue that mainstream media, like CNN and The New York Times, demonstrate bias by allegedly favoring Israel over Palestinians in their reporting.
The text discusses the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the reactions it has elicited worldwide.
The Israeli media is currently focused on several key topics, including the debate over military service exemptions for members of the ultra-Orthodox community, particularly in light of the recent war in Gaza.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden have engaged in a weekend of tensions, with Biden criticizing Netanyahu's handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict and Netanyahu defending his policies.
Pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrated outside the opening ceremony of the National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam due to the attendance of Israeli President Isaac Herzog.
Over 450 rabbis signed a letter organized by Truah calling on President Biden to end the war in Gaza, stressing that a ceasefire is the only viable solution for humanitarian relief and hostage release.
In his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden emphasized the importance of providing humanitarian aid to Gaza without using it as a bargaining chip, calling on Israel to allow more aid into the region.
The text discusses the complexities of American views towards Israel and the Jewish people post the Gaza war, highlighting a divide among Americans on the issue.
A group of artists protesting the war in Gaza carried out a covert campaign in New York City's subway system, replacing ads with posters depicting the conflict's devastation and featuring poignant messages, including a quote from a protester who self-immolated outside the Israeli embassy.
A campaign opposing President Biden's support for Israel, particularly during the Gaza war, gained significant traction in five states including Minnesota, Massachusetts, and North Carolina.