Tag: Golda Meir

The Etgar Quiz no 273 features questions on various Jewish topics.
The essay explores the theme of erasure in the context of Israeli-Palestinian relations, focusing on the misinterpretation of Golda Meir's 1976 comment about Palestinians not being a separate people until the mid-1960s.
Israeli filmmaker Guy Nattiv, known for his biopic Golda about Golda Meir, is now working on his most personal project titled Harmonia, inspired by his grandmother's story of joining a cult.
In 1978, Barbra Streisand sang Hatikvah to former Prime Minister Golda Meir during an Independence Day event, with the two women sharing a video conversation before Meir's passing later that year.
The text discusses the historical context of Israel's struggles for independence and security, highlighting Golda Meir's speech in 1948 emphasizing the Jewish people's right to self-determination in their historic homeland.
The essay reflects on Israel's historical resilience amid challenges, drawing parallels to the Yom Kippur War and current events, stressing the importance of supporting Israel.
The video explores the stories of 5 Jewish women from history who made significant impacts on the world, including Queen Esther, Asnat Barzani, Hannah Senesh, Golda Meir, and Bella Abzug.
The text explores how Israel, once seen as a barren and unremarkable land, transformed from a small settlement in 1909 to a country with significant global impact.
Israeli director Guy Nattiv and British actor Helen Mirren received a Dove Award from the Cinema for Peace Foundation for their collaboration on the 2023 biopic, "Golda," portraying Golda Meir during the Yom Kippur War in 1973.
Deborah E. Lipstadt's biography of Golda Meir portrays a life marked by accomplishments and guilt for not doing more to save Holocaust victims.
Despite the challenges faced by Jews in 2023, Jewish feminists continued to make strides and advocate for gender equality.
The recent intelligence failure in Israel, resulting in a major attack by Hamas, highlights the dangers of relying on core assumptions in intelligence work.
President Biden's recent speech on the terrorist attack on Israel failed to mention Iran, the chief sponsor and funder of Hamas.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts speak with Amanda Stern, author of the young adult novel "You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah," which has been adapted into a Netflix film featuring Adam Sandler.
In this interview with director Guy Nattiv, he discusses his film "Golda," which focuses on the 19 days of the 1973 Yom Kippur War that define the legacy of Golda Meir, Israel's only female prime minister.
"Golda" is a film that portrays the life of Golda Meir, Israel's first and only female prime minister, focusing on her leadership during the Yom Kippur War.
The film "Golda," a biopic about Golda Meir, Israel's first and only female prime minister, has received negative reviews.
The film "Golda" by director Guy Nattiv is not a traditional biopic or war movie.
Israeli director Guy Nattiv discusses his new film 'Golda,' which focuses on Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
The film "Golda," starring Helen Mirren as Golda Meir, showcases Meir's leadership during the Yom Kippur War.
"Golda," featuring Helen Mirren as Golda Meir, focuses on Meir's leadership during the Yom Kippur War, portraying her complex emotions and decision-making under pressure.
This article highlights 10 short stories that provide a glimpse into Israeli culture.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing protests and opposition over his attempts to curtail the powers of the court, leading to potential conflict with the military elite.
The biopic film "Golda," directed by Guy Nativ and starring Helen Mirren, will be released in the US on August 24.
Hadassa Kingstone, born in pre-State Haifa in 1936 to parents who escaped Hitler's Europe, shares her epic life story that intertwines with the history of the State of Israel.