Tag: Halacha

In this Shiur (Jewish lesson), there is a discussion about prisoner exchanges in Jewish law.
This article discusses the impact of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas on weddings in Israel.
Rabbi Shua Brick, an openly gay Orthodox Jew, is breaking barriers in the Jewish community.
The author expresses their struggle with tolerance towards fellow Jews whose religious views differ.
Rabbi Victor Urecki, a Yeshiva University-trained rabbi, is currently serving as a rabbi in a Conservative synagogue, despite his knowledge of Halacha and his conscious decision to reject it.
The ban on polygamy, known as the cherem of Rabbeinu Gershom, was enacted in the 11th century and there are various opinions about its expiration date.
The author discusses a controversial incident in a Charedi synagogue in Ramat Bet Shemesh Daled, where a woman was honored with "Gelilah," the ceremonial wrapping of a Torah scroll.
This text explores the dilemma of school selection policies within the Jewish community.
This article discusses the relationship between halacha (Jewish law), science, and the identification of kosher birds.
The Conservative movement's Committee on Jewish Law and Standards has approved the use of electric cars on Shabbat by a close vote, with 10 members in favor and six against.
The article discusses the experience of a young man who felt hurt and rejected by rabbis due to his sexual orientation.
Rav Jeff Fox's teshuva on queer women's sexuality is an important contribution to the world of Torah, as it challenges the default stance of condemnation and encourages the halachically-observant community to embrace queerness.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Elli Fischer discusses the relationship between Jewish law (halacha) and the Jewish state of Israel.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Elli Fischer discusses the relationship between Jewish law (halacha) and the Jewish state of Israel.
In this Shiur (Jewish lesson) on miscarriage in Halacha (Jewish law), various questions are addressed regarding the halachic status and practices related to miscarriage.
The term "Jew-ish" has been in the spotlight recently, with public figures like George Santos and Kanye West using it to claim an identity that they aren't actually a part of.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Yosef Bronstein discusses the thought of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, focusing on his views on the history of Jewish law and the evolution of Jewish thought.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein discusses the ideas of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook regarding Jewish history.
In this shiur (lecture) on the topic of taking one's life in halacha (Jewish law), various perspectives are discussed.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Dr. Yonatan Adler, a professor of archaeology, discusses the relationship between halacha (Jewish law) and archaeology.
In this Shiur (lecture), the topic of discussion is the concept of being "in the box" and whether the derech (path) of Jewish observance has become too narrow.
In this Shiur, Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, a Dayan and forensic and clinical psychologist, and Rabbi Moshe Rotberg, a licensed therapist and renowned Rov, discuss various aspects of mental health in Halacha.
This text explores the author's father's relationship with Jewish law and observance.
In this shiur (Jewish lesson), Rabbi Berach Steinfeld, Mr. Shuli Halpert, and Mr. Yosef Shidler discuss the issue of discriminatory school acceptance policies and their impact on children.
This Shiur (lesson) discusses the implications of DUI incidents and the alcohol epidemic in the Jewish community.