Tag: Halacha

The author describes her journey of discovering Orthodoxy and halacha, starting with a fascination with the moon and the interconnectedness of Jewish women's power to the universe.
The article discusses the recent condemnation of in vitro fertilization (IVF) by the Southern Baptist Convention and its implications for reproductive rights, particularly in light of the ongoing threats to abortion rights.
Israel Bak, a lesser-known figure compared to his contemporaries like Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, played a crucial role in the 19th-century printing and publishing industry in Palestine.
The Indianapolis Colts signed a rookie wide receiver named Adonai Mitchell, prompting a dilemma for Jewish football fans due to the use of a Hebrew name for God outside of ritual contexts.
Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin suggests that Modern Orthodoxy (MO) in America may need to embrace Kabbalah and Chassidus to survive; contrasting MO's less stringent observance with the Charedi community's dedication to Halacha and Jewish studies, the author argues that the future of Judaism lies with the right-wing Centrists or Charedim due to their commitment and growing numbers.
Rabbi Chaim and Binyamin Jachter's "The Halachic Haircutting Handbook" delves into the often-debated topic of whether halachah forbids men from shaving their beards, presenting a comprehensive look at the permissibility of using electric shavers according to Jewish law.
Exploring the halachic implications of Elijah the Prophet visiting a cemetery in the Parshah Rabbit Hole episode 31 (Emor).
A reader seeks advice from a Bintel Brief regarding a noisy neighbor in an assisted living facility who disrupts their sleep with a loud TV.
SAR High School in Riverdale, New York is challenging taboos around sex education in Modern Orthodox high schools by introducing a Jewish Sexual Ethics course that combines Jewish values with open discussions on safe sexual practices.
The Kapshitter family tragedy, where a family was murdered by Hamas terrorists, highlighted the issue of Jewish burial rights in Israel.
Modern Orthodox and traditional teen girls are increasingly finding ways to participate in prayer services while adhering to Jewish law, seeking more inclusive roles within their communities.
In response to the Israeli government's decree to draft yeshiva students into the IDF, certain religious leaders are considering extreme measures to secure exemptions to ensure the survival of Torah education.
The text delves into the complex question of whether one should prioritize the medical advice of a rabbi or a doctor in the face of health issues.
Rabbi Yoni Rosensweig discusses the relationship between mental health and Jewish law (halacha) on the 18Forty Podcast.
Dr. Yehuda Sabiner, a Gerrer Chasid and pediatrician, shares his unique journey combining Halacha, Chasidus, and medicine.
The author expresses the difficulty in discussing homosexuality, as it has evolved in society from being taboo to being celebrated.
The discussion revolves around the potential negative impact of technology on religious values, particularly in the Orthodox Jewish community.
The documentary "Spinoza: Six Reasons for the Excommunication of the Philosopher" explores the motivations behind Baruch Spinoza's excommunication by the Amsterdam Portuguese Sephardic community.
In this Shiur, Rabbi Elyada Goldvicht discusses various halachic issues related to using Amazon on Shabbat.
In this letter from an IDF combat soldier in Gaza, the author expresses their belief that army service is essential for every Jew.
In this shiur, Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky and Rabbi Aharon Sorscher discuss the concept of Daas Torah in Halacha and Hashkafa.
This Shiur (study session) explores the question of whether Hatzalah, the emergency medical service organization, is allowed to save members of the Neturei Karta, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish group, on Shabbat.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon discusses the role of Jewish law (halacha) during times of war.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon and Rabbi Shmuel Ismach discuss the role of halacha (Jewish law) during times of war.