Tag: Halachah

This article features interviews with four Israeli farmers who observe the shemitah year, a Sabbatical year when farming is prohibited in accordance with Jewish law.
Soft matzah, although not new, has become more commercially available in recent years.
The question of whether a minor can be included in a minyan (a prayer quorum of ten adult male Jews) is a long-standing controversy in Jewish law.
In the discussion of tzedakah (charitable giving) in Jewish law, there are principles of prioritization to guide donors in making decisions.
Rabbi Hershel Schachter has been a leading authority consulted by Jewish communities worldwide during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The article discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Jewish halachah (Jewish law) and explores the potential changes and developments that may arise as a result.
The pandemic has brought about significant changes in the way we live and interact.
The article discusses the health risks associated with vaping, especially with THC-containing products like e-cigarettes.
"Wine, Whisky and Halachah" by Rabbi Shraga Kallus and Rabbi Avraham Chaim Slansky delves into the intricate laws surrounding wine consumption in Judaism, particularly focusing on the prohibition of stam yeinam, wine that may have been used for idolatrous purposes.
The text discusses the state of Orthodox belief among young Jewish day school graduates who struggle to articulate their belief in God and the uniqueness of Torah.
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the RCA Prenup, Rabbi Elazar Muskin discusses its impact on American Jewry with The Rabbinical Council of America and shares anecdotes highlighting the necessity of the prenuptial agreement to prevent cases of agunot.
Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger and Moishe Bane discuss the challenges of prayer, emphasizing that the essence of prayer is developing a deep connection to Hashem.
Reproductive medicine has seen remarkable technological advancements since the introduction of IVF in 1978, leading to the development of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and upcoming gene editing and mitochondrial replacement therapy.
The OU Press recently released two significant works: "The Concise Code of Jewish Law," a practical guide to observing Shabbat and other halachic laws in a clear and concise format, updated with insights from recent rabbinic authorities; and "Chumash Mesoras Harav: Vayikra," edited by Dr. Arnold Lustiger, offering a comprehensive commentary on the book of Vayikra based on the teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik.
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, a revered figure in the Israeli Torah world, was known for his humility, deep expertise in Jewish law, and a balanced approach to halachic decision-making, particularly in modern contexts like medicine and technology.
Wearing leather items like belts and yarmulkes is permitted on Yom Kippur and Tishah B'Av; only leather shoes are prohibited.
"Hidden in Thunder" by Esther Farbstein delves into the choices made by Jewish individuals, particularly Rabbi Avraham Dov-Ber Kahane-Shapiro, during the Holocaust to maintain faith and religious practices in the face of immense adversity.
After the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash, Jewish Sages established customs to remember Jerusalem and the Temple to ensure that joy would be incomplete without their presence.
The essay discusses the evolution of kidney donation in Jewish law, highlighting the historical context and halachic considerations surrounding living kidney donation.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein reviewed Rabbi Aharon Feldman's book "The Eye of the Storm" and engaged in a dialogue with Rabbi Feldman regarding their differing views on feminist halachah and secular Zionism.