Tag: Halachah

The text discusses various topics from different issues of "Inbox."
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, a respected posek, educator, and community rabbi who interacts with soldiers, shares insights on halachic dilemmas faced by soldiers during wartime.
Dr. Zipora Schorr, director of education at Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School in Baltimore, discusses a new approach to teaching tzeniut (modesty) to a diverse student body, aiming for relevance and practicality while maintaining fidelity to Jewish law and values.
The Chazon Ish, a towering figure in Torah Judaism, left a lasting impact on Bnei Brak and beyond, with many followers known as Chazon Ishniks who strictly adhere to his rulings.
The traditional depiction of the Luchot (Tablets containing the 10 Commandments) as rounded at the top in most illustrations deviates from the Talmudic description of them as rectangular parallelepipeds, believed to measure 6 tefachim high by 6 tefachim wide by 3 tefachim thick.
The text discusses the importance of unity within Israel, drawing parallels to the story of Esther and the theme of division propagated by Haman.
Rabbi Menachem Genack's "Gan Shoshanim, vol. 1" offers Torah essays that blend insights from Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik with Brisker-style analysis, presenting a structured exploration of Talmudic topics like prayer, holidays, sacrifices, and purity.
In a conversation with Rav Moshe Brandsdorfer, a respected posek, he discusses various halachic questions that have arisen due to the recent Hamas attacks in Israel.
The late Rabbi Nachum Rabinovich, influential in UK Judaism and a mentor to Rabbi Sacks, believed in a rationalist Judaism blending universal and specific elements, drawing inspiration from Maimonides.
This article provides a concise summary of various halachic guidelines related to mourning and bereavement in Jewish law.
The Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) has released a new edition of Hamadrikh, a handbook for the American rabbinate.
Asarah BTevet, also known as the tenth of Tevet, is a fast day on the Jewish calendar that commemorates the beginning of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem.
The text explores the revival of Jewish law (halachah) in modern Israel, showcasing how it has evolved to address not only individual and communal matters but also issues of national significance.
The article discusses the concept of "confronting the suboptimal" in various aspects of life, particularly in religious observance.
In "Kiddush Levanah on the Moon" by Joseph Helmreich, the story follows Zalman, a second-year scholar in a yeshiva, as he reunites with his former rebbe, Reb Velvel, on the moon.
The article explores the concept of ownership and its significance from a Jewish perspective.
The article discusses the question of whether using voice-activated technology, such as OK, Google, is permissible on Shabbat.
In a conversation with Jewish Action, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt discusses the potential uses and limitations of AI in halachic decision-making.
"The Revelation at Sinai: What Does Torah from Heaven Mean?" is a collection of essays edited by Yoram Hazony, Gil Student, and Alex Sztuden that addresses the challenges to traditional Jewish beliefs posed by modern academic scholarship.
Rabbi Nota Greenblatt, known for his extraordinary level of chesed and mastery of Torah knowledge, was a respected figure in the Jewish community.
Rabbi Chaim Goldzweig, a longtime RFR with OU Kosher, was known for his dedication to kashrut and his encyclopedic knowledge of kosher ingredients and factory production practices.
"The Power of Shabbos: Shabbat and Electricity in the 21st Century" by Rabbi Chaim Jachter explores the halachic issues surrounding the use of electricity on Shabbat.
Rabbi Gidon Rothstein's book, "Judaism of the Poskim," analyzes responsa literature to determine the main topics of importance in Orthodox Judaism.
Five years ago, the author and their siblings were grieving the recent loss of their mother and were not emotionally ready to celebrate Simchas Torah, a holiday of joy and dance.
This article discusses the observance of shemitah, the seventh year in the agricultural cycle when Jewish farmers are expected to let their land lie fallow.