Tag: Halakhah

This article explores the question of whether Halakhah (Jewish law) allows for compassionate euthanasia.
The article discusses the concept of hypothetical scenarios and their exploration in different genres, namely history, science, and halakhah (Jewish law).
The author explores the question of what Jewish law would say about American abortion law.
Henry Morgentaler, a Holocaust survivor and prominent figure in Canada's pro-choice movement, fought for safe abortions in a once-restrictive system, enduring jail time and antisemitism but ultimately leading to the effective decriminalization of abortions in Canada after a 1988 Supreme Court decision.
The article discusses the challenge of feeling a genuine sense of mourning during the periods of Sefirat HaOmer and Bein Hamitzarim.
The author discusses the prohibition of cross-dressing, known as Lo Yilbash, in the context of changing gender norms in Western society.
The debate over whether children should receive the COVID-19 vaccine has generated intense discussion among various groups.
The text discusses the story of R. Eliezer ben Hyrcanus and the Oven of Akhnai from the Talmud, focusing on different interpretations and analyses of the narrative.
The author reflects on his experience as the son-in-law mourning the loss of his wife's parents and questions the lack of mourning rituals available for in-law children.
In this interview between historians Sylvie Anne Goldberg and Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, the future of Jews and Judaism is discussed in relation to the availability of different choices for Jewish identity.
This article discusses the debate over whether wealthy countries should administer booster shots to fully vaccinated adults or prioritize sending these doses to unvaccinated individuals in poor countries.
Rabbi Moshe Dovid Tendler played a pivotal role in the field of Jewish Medical Ethics, bridging the gap between Halakhah and modern science.
In his book "A Chicken, a Golem, and the Scientific Revolution," Maoz Kahana explores the conflict between Jewish tradition and the discoveries of the scientific revolution in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Rabbi Dr. Moshe Dovid Tendler was a revered figure in the Jewish community, well-known for his Torah and academic achievements.
The process of teshuvah, or repentance, is often seen as an individual pursuit.
The article explores the Mesorah Speech given by Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, known as the Rav, and its significance.
In this collection of letters to the editor, various topics related to Jewish practice and belief are discussed.
Rabbi Shlomo ibn Adret, also known as Rashba, was a medieval scholar of Jewish law who was asked to resolve an internal conflict in a Jewish community regarding social justice and welfare.
The article discusses the issue of mandating COVID-19 vaccination from a halakhic perspective.
In this article, Aryeh Klapper discusses the topic of new gezeirot (rabbinic decrees) in the context of changing circumstances and technological advancements.
The article discusses the unique position of Purim and Hanukkah as two of the only Rabbinic-created holidays that have become permanently established in Jewish practice.
Roberta Rosenthal Kwall's book, "Remix Judaism: Preserving Tradition in a Diverse World," explores the phenomenon of remixing Judaism, where individuals and families choose which Jewish rituals and traditions to observe and adapt them to their own sensibilities.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to vaccine hesitancy among healthcare workers, with a significant percentage expressing reluctance to receive the vaccine due to safety concerns.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the host, David Bashevkin, reflects on the topic of Talmud.
This article explores the various responses of Orthodox Jewish communities to COVID-19 restrictions and analyzes them from social, cultural, and theological perspectives.