Tag: Happiness

The text discusses the concept of "menuchas hanefesh" or inner peace, likening it to a concierge service where all needs are tended to effortlessly.
The author discusses the importance of relationships for a healthy and happy life, drawing from the Harvard Study of Adult Development, which highlighted the significance of strong social connections in overall well-being.
American Jews overwhelmingly support Israel's efforts against Hamas, as shown in a new Pew poll.
A UK survey found that religiously affiliated individuals are happier, more optimistic, and feel more confident in dealing with life's challenges compared to atheists.
Shana tova!
The author reflects on the importance of saying hello and forming connections with others.
The text highlights a concern that some liberals may be talking themselves into clinical depression by focusing on negative news such as COVID, climate change, and judicial system issues, while rejecting good news.
Research shows that giving to charity not only stems from awareness of needs, such as natural disasters, but also from personal well-being, invoking feelings of happiness and fulfillment labeled empathic joy.
"In the Illuminated Dark" is a collection of poetry by Israeli poet Tuvia Ruebner, dedicated to his sister who perished in the Holocaust.
Recent publications have highlighted the pursuit of happiness, linking it to understanding our own mental processes.