Tag: Hebrew

Prince Takahito Mikasa, a member of the Imperial House of Japan, turns 100 in 2015.
The discussion in this excerpt primarily revolves around the history of Yiddish spelling reforms and the influence of the Soviet Union on these changes.
"The Mapmaker's Daughter" by Laurel Corona is a historical novel set in Spain during the 15th century, following the life of Amalia Riba, a converso girl with a secret Jewish heritage.
Avraham Grossman's biography on Rashi, a pivotal figure in Jewish history, explores the life and works of the medieval commentator.
The article highlights some of the best Jewish children's books from 2013, focusing on engaging reads rather than purely educational ones.
Tablet HQ recently held a Thanksgivukkah haiku contest garnering over 170 entries, with recurring themes of dreidels, latkes, oil, candles, family, turkeys, and thankfulness.
A young individual finds a job teaching Jewish history through drama at a temple's Sunday school despite having little experience.
The text describes a person's childhood memories of living in Israel for a year before returning to the U.S. due to their parents' divorce, which marked the beginning of a sense of exile.
Israeli illustrator and cartoonist Shay Charka has created a comic book adaptation of three stories by Nobel laureate S.Y. Agnon, known for expressing ideas through stories rather than abstract concepts.
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb shares his deep connection to leading Tishah B'Av morning programs focusing on the kinot, expressing the need for meaningful presentations of these lamentation poems.
Jorge Luis Borges, a renowned Argentinian writer, was accused of being Jewish in a fascist magazine in 1934.
In a series of letters published in the summer 2012 edition of a Jewish publication, the topic of discussion revolves around Leon Wieseltier's harsh critique of the New American Haggadah.
Elias Bickerman, a renowned Jewish historian of the ancient world who worked closely with Jewish studies masters, notably refused to learn Hebrew despite his international acclaim as one of the greatest historians of the Jews.
Rabbinic scholar Adin Steinsaltz, known for translating the Talmud into Modern Hebrew and facing criticism for it, has a diverse background in Jewish and secular studies.
Purim is a festive Jewish holiday commemorating the thwarting of a plot to annihilate the Jews in ancient Persia.
Rabbi Natan Gamedze, a linguist and grandson of a former king of Swaziland, embarked on a journey from prince to rabbi after encountering Judaism in college.
Israeli linguist Ghilad Zuckerman argues that the term "Israeli" is more appropriate than "Hebrew" for the language spoken in Israel, describing it as a hybrid of Semitic and Indo-European elements influenced by various languages.