Tag: Heresy

Exploring the concept of heresy and theological questions surrounding G-d in the context of Parshah Ki Sisa.
"The Secret That Is Not a Secret: Ten Heretical Tales" is a collection of short stories by Jay Michaelson that explores the struggles of individuals in Jewish communities to reconcile their inner desires with societal norms.
This text tells the story of a theologian who works as a shoemaker but has unconventional views on theology.
In this episode, the discussion revolves around how to respond to heresy, exploring traditional approaches to this issue.
This episode delves into the Rambam's perspective on defining heresy and its significance, along with a discussion on contemporary Jewish identity.
The text explores the question of whether there are dangers involved in our love affair with music, specifically secular music.
The article delves into the alleged assassination attempt on the philosopher Baruch Spinoza, speculated to have been orchestrated by a member of the Portuguese Jewish community in Amsterdam, from which Spinoza was excommunicated in the 17th century.
In the past, a century ago, some Jews rebelled against the traditional solemnity of Yom Kippur by organizing public festivals of eating, dancing, and performances to assert a secular Jewish identity and break away from religious restrictions.