Tag: Holocaust Memorial Day

Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party, has made efforts to address antisemitism within the party, expressing regret for its presence and aiming to rebuild trust with Jewish members.
Orthodox TikTok influencer Miriam Ezagui, known for sharing Jewish observances and family stories, recently visited Auschwitz on a March of the Living tour.
Kveller is hosting a virtual event on May 6, 2024, to discuss Hulu's series "We Were the Lucky Ones," which airs close to Yom Hashoah, Israel's Holocaust memorial day.
The town of Merthyr Tydfil, once a thriving industrial hub in Wales, is now undergoing a revitalization effort centered around its abandoned synagogue, being transformed into a cultural center.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres recently highlighted the UN Security Council's deadlock over issues like Gaza and Ukraine, emphasizing the need for serious reform within the Council due to its inability to act effectively, primarily due to veto powers.
This text discusses recent events in Israel, including the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the International Court of Justice's upcoming pronouncement on Israel's actions in Gaza, tensions between Benjamin Netanyahu and Joe Biden, and a unique Holocaust Memorial Day.
Marion Ein Lewin and her twin brother Steven Hess share their experiences of surviving the Holocaust together in Bergen-Belsen before being liberated and immigrating to the United States.
Hasmonean High School for Girls received a positive assessment from Ofsted, being graded as good with outstanding features in its first inspection as an independent school following the split from the boys' division.
In a recent discussion, Sally Abed, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron cover topics including the politics of memory in cemeteries, the implications of a video made by Ashkenazi teens depicting stereotypes about Sefaradim, and the cultural impact of a new duet by deceased Yemenite singers created through AI.
In this edition, Sally Abed, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron discuss three important topics: the politics of memory and whether it is possible to keep politics out of cemeteries, a controversial video made by seven Ashkenazi teens that perpetuates stereotypes about Sephardim, and the implications of AI being able to revive dead singers and its impact on culture.
The article tells the story of Maks Levin, a war photographer who was killed by Russian soldiers during the war in Ukraine.
Yonit and Jonathan discuss the unusual snowfall in Jerusalem, the political scandal involving Boris Johnson in London, and Israel's diplomatic balancing act between the US and Russia amid tensions in Ukraine.
The article discusses how Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, has taken strikingly accomplished portraits of Holocaust survivors and their grandchildren for an exhibit commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.
In a discussion titled "The 'Ugly Israelis?' Edition," the hosts delve into the significance of the phrase "Never again" regarding the Holocaust, exploring the lessons Israelis should and shouldn't draw from it, along with the unique Israeli exceptionalism linked to Holocaust memory.
The excerpt portrays a young boy on a school trip to a Holocaust museum where he grapples with his personal connection to the Holocaust.