Tag: Humility

A personal reflection on embracing the mitzvah of tzeniut (modesty) as a transformative journey from external appearance to internal qualities, shaping behavior and fostering mindfulness in observance of other mitzvot.
In this thought-provoking piece, the author reflects on the disparity between the language of Jewish prayer and the attitudes of the Jewish people.
In this lighthearted column, the author expresses gratitude for readers who make it to the end of a magazine issue, as they are rare and cherished.
This article explores the relationship between humility and effective leadership, with a particular focus on Jewish teachings and traditions.
In this essay, the author discusses the challenges of teaching modesty (tzenius) to teenagers, particularly in a world of constant social media and oversharing.
This article discusses the challenges of teaching and practicing tzniut (modesty) in today's oversharing world.
In "Hardware, Software, or Love?", Menachem Kellner explores the concept of chosenness in Judaism and the relationship between truth claims of Judaism and other religions.
In this article, the author emphasizes the importance of recognizing and admitting what we don't know.
Starbucks chairman emeritus, Howard Schultz, made a controversial remark about the Holocaust while trying to discourage employees from unionizing.
The publisher notes that the concept of power in Jewish communal life has shifted from being aspirational to being viewed with suspicion or hostility.
In this article, the author encourages readers to reflect on what God may want from us during these unprecedented times of the pandemic.
In this reflection on the sixth anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, the author expresses sadness that Rabbi Lichtenstein is no longer alive to guide and inspire others.
The article discusses the character of Ahasuerus from the Book of Esther, highlighting his leadership traits and flaws.
Rabbi Yitzchok Eisenman reflects on his encounters with Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, a towering figure in Torah study known for his humility and meticulousness.
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein was revered for his intellectual depth, humility, and commitment to Torah values.