Tag: International Law

Israel has been facing legal battles alongside military conflicts, including a recent ruling by the International Court of Justice regarding Israel's actions in Rafah, Gaza.
The recent rulings by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) criticizing Israel's military actions in Gaza could have significant long-term consequences for Israel's image, diplomatic relations, and alliances, including with the United States.
The text discusses how international law and institutions, such as the International Court of Justice, are deemed irrelevant and even harmful to Israel and the Jewish people's survival, claiming they are biased and antisemitic in their focus on Israel's actions.
The article discusses the implications of an Israel-Hamas ceasefire, highlighting concerns about Hamas remaining in power and posing threats to both Palestinians and Israelis.
A US State Department report highlighted credible violations of international law by Israel in its conflict with Hamas but advised against cutting defense aid to Israel, citing steps taken to minimize harm to civilians amid the challenges of fighting a group embedded among civilians in Gaza.
The State Department released a report acknowledging that Israel likely violated international law in Gaza, pointing out incidents inconsistent with humanitarian law.
The video discusses the IDF's tactical precision and strategic innovations in urban warfare in Gaza, highlighting its application of international law and setting new standards in military operations, as explained by military correspondent and author Yaakov Katz during an interview.
The letters to the editor cover various topics.
The text discusses the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and its demands to visit Hamas prisoners in Israel, raising questions about the applicability of international law.
The article argues that Israel is not illegally occupying the West Bank, providing historical and legal background to support this claim.
Protesters are targeting an informational event in Teaneck promoting property in Israel and the West Bank, condemning it as a violation of international law and racial discrimination rules.
The United States blocked a UN Security Council resolution blaming Israel for deaths during a humanitarian aid delivery in Gaza.
The article discusses the issue of the world's indifference towards the Israeli hostages who were abducted by Palestinian terrorists.
Israel has begun creating a militarized buffer zone along the Gaza Strip border, which could lead to the shrinking of Palestinian territory and the potential for future Jewish settlements.
The author discusses a recent event held in Jerusalem advocating for the resettlement of Gaza, attended by right-wing Religious Zionist supporters and government ministers.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has declared that Israel must take measures to prevent genocide against the Palestinian people during its war in Gaza.
In this discussion, the question of whether Israel is an occupier of Palestinian land is explored.
Israeli lawmakers from the ruling Likud party and the liberal opposition Yesh Atid party have authored an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal advocating for the permanent transfer of Palestinians out of Gaza as a supposed humanitarian solution.
The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) has filed a federal lawsuit accusing President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin of aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes against Palestinians in Gaza.
The text discusses the ethical dilemma faced by Israel in how to respond to Hamas' actions while still adhering to military ethics.
In this article, the author addresses the use of the term "genocide" to describe Israel's military operations in Gaza.
The article argues against labeling Israel's actions in Gaza as genocide, stating that it is not in line with the legal definition of the term.
Malkah Fleisher argues in defense of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which she refers to as Judea and Samaria, while most of the world and international legal bodies consider them occupied Palestinian territories.
Noura Erakat discusses the Israeli invasion of the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank and Israel's efforts to change the laws of war.