Tag: Interpretation

The author reflects on experiencing a 4.8 magnitude earthquake in New York City and the concept of blessings in Judaism, particularly for unusual events like earthquakes.
Rabbi Deborah Kahn-Harris offers a fresh perspective on the Book of Ruth in her book "Polyamory and Reading the Book of Ruth," suggesting that the relationships in the story exemplify loving and supportive polyamorous households rather than traditional monogamy.
The Parashah of Mikketz delves into the significance of dreams in the Torah, portraying them as divine messages needing interpretation.
The article discusses Maimonides' interpretation of the maaseh merkavah (Ezekiel, chapter 1), which has traditionally been considered the most esoteric part of Jewish teaching.
In "Philosophy and Exegesis: Which Leads? A Review of Aaron Kollers Unbinding Isaac," Zvi Grumet discusses Aaron Koller's book, "Unbinding Isaac: The Significance of the Akedah for Modern Jewish Thought."
The author discusses their initial reluctance to engage with Biblical criticism, but goes on to appreciate the different approaches offered by three guests: Joshua Berman, Gil Student, and Sara Susswein Tesler.
This article explores the concept of Oral Torah, which refers to the interpretation and understanding of the Written Torah.
In this text, David discusses the power of comedy and humor in revealing a mystical connectedness that helps us find meaning and build community in everyday experiences.
The article discusses Moses' complaint in Numbers 11:12, where he states that he cannot nurse or carry the Israelite people.
The text explores the complexity of making sense of the Talmud and suggests that perhaps the challenge itself holds value.
The text explores a conversation between an Orthodox Jew and an atheist friend about morality without belief in God, highlighting the Orthodox perspective of linking morality to religious belief.
The author reflects on the traditional Jewish poem, Eishet Hayil (Woman of Valor), initially viewing it as a metaphor between the Jewish people and the Sabbath, then later as a misogynistic text.
Rabbi Ari Berman, the President of Yeshiva University, delivered a Shiur Petihah (opening lecture) focusing on Tractate Sukkah, tying it to the new administration at YU.
In TanakhCast #113, the podcast delves into 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, starting from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
"TanakhCast: The Mortgage Backed Securities Edition" is a podcast that delves into the Tanakh, exploring and discussing four chapters every two weeks from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
In a series of letters published in the summer 2012 edition of a Jewish publication, the topic of discussion revolves around Leon Wieseltier's harsh critique of the New American Haggadah.
Meir Shalev's book "Beginnings" delves into the Hebrew Bible with the aim of encouraging readers to rediscover the original text and make fresh personal discoveries.
Jacqueline Osherow's poetry collection "Whitethorn" explores themes of aging, disappointment, Jewish identity, and spirituality.