Tag: Israel Gaza Conflict

In a time of deep schisms within the Jewish community, there is a call for holding conflicts with empathy and understanding to maintain relationships.
Recent polls indicate a slight shift among Jewish American voters from President Joe Biden to former President Donald Trump, potentially influenced by Biden's approach to Israel and the conflict in Gaza.
Israel and Gaza have emerged as key issues in local New York City Democratic primary races beyond just the high-profile contest between Rep. Jamaal Bowman and George Latimer.
Eros Salvatore, a writer and activist, has been connecting with Palestinians in Gaza through social media to raise awareness about their dire circumstances and help them access resources.
Jewish Columbia University student Makayla Gubbay has utilized social media to raise funds for refugees in Gaza, notably assisting Sara Suleiman and her family in their escape from Rafah.
Harvard University has announced that it will no longer issue statements on topics unrelated to its operations, following tensions surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict.
At the University of California's Berkeley campus, a diverse group of activists are part of an encampment protest advocating for peace and an end to the Israeli occupation in Gaza.
In the analysis of military strategies and conflicts involving Israel, the text delves into various incidents and strategic shifts.
This YouTube video provides a historical background to the Israel-Gaza conflict as part of a webinar series by Project Witness.
The text discusses the concerning support for Hamas among American college students and the shift in educational goals at leading universities towards political and ideological agendas.
Pro-Palestinian protesters made their presence known at college graduation ceremonies in Michigan, Boston, and other locations, unfurling Palestinian flags, engaging in symbolic actions, and delivering speeches critical of Israel.
The article discusses the recent events at Columbia University, particularly the involvement of the NYPD to remove pro-Palestinian student protesters from campus, leading to criticism of the university's handling of the situation.
The University of Southern California (USC) canceled its primary May graduation ceremony due to safety concerns following protests and arrests related to the cancellation of a speech by a Muslim American valedictorian whose views on Israel sparked controversy.
In a special episode marking six months since the war began on October 7, this podcast features insights from prominent figures.
Kveller offers a guide with seven ways to adapt your Passover Seder this year in light of recent events like the October 7 attack in Israel and the war in Gaza.
Russia and China vetoed a U.S.-led UN Security Council resolution that called for a ceasefire in Gaza because they felt it wasn't strong enough and didn't explicitly address Hamas' actions.
The Hamilton Jewish Film Festival in Canada was canceled due to security concerns following complaints and threats related to Israeli films in the lineup, such as "The Man in the Basement" and "The Boy."
Laura Friedman, a progressive assemblywoman poised to succeed Rep. Adam Schiff in the House, is committed to continuing Schiff's pro-Israel legacy while emphasizing progressive values.
The deteriorating relationship between Blacks and Jews in the United States following the conflict in Gaza is causing concerns, with both communities feeling abandoned and distant from each other.
The discussion revolves around how to define and combat antisemitism, particularly in the context of the Biden administration's National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism.
The Labour Party in the UK, under Keir Starmer's leadership, has faced internal challenges regarding its stance on Israel's actions in Gaza.
A bill in Washington State proposing Holocaust education in schools failed after debate over references to Israel's war with Hamas.
The United States and Europe appear to be aligning with Hamas as they express discontent with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's handling of the conflict.
A video providing educational insights on navigating discussions around criticizing Israel and antisemitism while discussing the boundaries for respectful dialogue on Israel and Gaza.
This article criticizes the notion of a "moral war" in the context of Israel's military actions in Gaza.