Tag: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Former New York Congressman Mondaire Jones has endorsed George Latimer over Rep. Jamaal Bowman for New York's 16th Congressional District primary, citing Bowman's controversial statements on Israel.
The text discusses President Joe Biden's recent speech addressing the Israel-Hamas conflict, criticizing his perceived lies and political motivations.
In a significant move, the Biden administration temporarily withheld the delivery of large bombs to Israel in an effort to influence Israel's planned operation in Rafah.
Journalist Masha Gessen expressed concern on the Haaretz Podcast that the Biden administration's lack of support for protests against Israel's actions in Gaza may jeopardize his chances in the 2024 election, potentially benefiting Donald Trump.
The text discusses various topics related to Jewish identity, Israel, and international relations.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized Columbia University, accusing it of being overrun by anti-Semitic mobs that threaten Jewish students and faculty, likening the situation to 1930s Germany.
The U.S. House of Representatives approved a $26 billion Israel-Gaza aid package with overwhelming support, including funding for Israel's defense and humanitarian aid for Gaza.
The United States is reportedly planning to sanction an Israeli military unit, the Netzach Yehuda battalion, for alleged human rights abuses against Palestinians, marking the first time the US has taken such a step against an Israeli military unit.
President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu engaged in a heated exchange of criticisms, with Biden accusing Netanyahu of harming Israel with his Gaza actions, and Netanyahu defending his policies including opposition to a Palestinian state.
The United States and Europe appear to be aligning with Hamas as they express discontent with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's handling of the conflict.
Ashish Prashar and an anonymous collective are selling a deck of War Criminal Playing Cards for $35 with the aim of shaming national leaders they believe are responsible for the war in Gaza.
In this article, the authors argue against the idea of a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
In this article, the author discusses President Joe Biden's remarks about the safety of Jews and Israel.
The text discusses a shift in the relationship of Diaspora Jews with Israel, highlighting the impact of recent events like protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Hamas massacre in 2023.
On Saturday, Israel experienced a horrific day of bloodshed, with hundreds of attackers infiltrating Israel from Gaza, killing 600 Israelis, taking hostages, and injuring thousands.
Israel is currently facing a surge in murders, with a particular focus on the Arab Israeli sector.
In 2022, Mosaic held 46 conversations on various topics in Jewish life, including the Jewish community in Ukraine, sexual ethics, Israeli judicial reform, the book of Esther, and the passing of a renowned Jewish critic.
In 2022, Mosaic hosted 46 new conversations on various topics in modern Jewish life.
In this article, Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin discusses the implications of mutual recognition between Israel and Kosovo, as well as the Israel-related aspects of the recent economic normalization deal between Serbia and Kosovo.
The article criticizes the Abraham Accords, a peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, as a publicity stunt rewarding Israel despite human rights abuses and breaches of international law.
The article discusses the origins of a controversial New York Times cartoon featuring Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former U.S. President Donald Trump.
Anatoly Shcharansky, a Soviet mathematician, married Natalia Stieglitz (later Avital) on July 4, 1974, before she left for Israel.