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Tag: Israeli Palestinian Conflict

The text discusses the liberal vs. conservative debate within Israel, focusing on the perspectives of Israeli Jews and Jewish Israelis.
Former President Donald Trump used the debate as an opportunity to appeal to major Israeli-American donor Dr. Miriam Adelson, who has pledged a significant amount to his campaign but has yet to release the funds.
The article discusses the current wave of antisemitism, emphasizing that it goes beyond the recent conflict in Gaza and is reshaping the world for Jews.
Jewish educators are encouraged to transform uncertainty into educational opportunities surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with tools and skills provided by programs like Conflicts of Interest by The iCenter.
The text critiques the Biden administration's purported Saudi-Israeli peace deal, suggesting it is a ploy to subordinate traditional US allies to Iran and the Democrats while undermining the achievements of the Trump administration in the Middle East.
A Jewish individual grappling with their faith in light of the war in Gaza seeks guidance on the teachings of Judaism regarding war, morality, and proportionate response.
A recent incident on Pico Boulevard in Los Angeles saw a small real estate event at a synagogue targeted by around 100 pro-Hamas activists, resulting in violent clashes with Jews and disruptions to the event.
In a recent development on Wikipedia, editors voted to declare the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as an unreliable source for content related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The text highlights how liberal American Jews have overlooked the mainstream presence of anti-Zionism within progressive circles, particularly on college campuses like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which merges diverse leftist ideologies.
The text discusses a conversation between a Jew and a Jew-hater regarding various issues related to Israel, Palestine, and Jewish identity.
A grassroots group called Parents Against Child Detention organized a pop-up art exhibition in Israel titled "Innocence Disrupted," showcasing 70 pieces that depict the impact of war on children, aiming to shed light on the suffering of Palestinian youth in Gaza and the West Bank.
Benny Morris, a prominent Israeli historian, has shifted to the right politically over the years, and remains a crucial figure in understanding Israel's history and current issues.
Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, expressed concerns about Wikipedia's bias after the site rated ADL's information on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as generally unreliable.
The discussion revolves around the book "The Wall Between: What Jews and Palestinians Don't Want to Know About Each Other" by Raja Khouri and Jeffrey Wilkinson.
A critique in the "Future of Jewish" newsletter questions the feasibility of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that most Israelis fear a Palestinian state would become a terror-supporting entity while Palestinians lean more towards armed struggle than a two-state solution.
Wikipedia editors have labeled the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as generally unreliable on Israeli-Palestinian matters and antisemitism, arguing that the organization's pro-Israel stance may bias its reporting.
The Board of Deputies is expressing concerns about a potential VAT hike on private schools, particularly impacting Charedi families who rely on these schools for faith-based education.
The text discusses different perspectives on Israel, highlighting how mainstream media oversimplifies Israel's portrayal, focusing excessively on conflict and neglecting societal advancements.
Matan Adelson, the youngest son of Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, has taken on the challenge of transforming Hapoel Jerusalem into a prominent force in Israeli basketball and potentially an international brand.
The text provides a strategic guide on how to effectively defeat Hamas and other terrorist organizations, emphasizing the need to understand and adapt to the tactics employed by such groups.
The text is an open letter addressed to former friends who have shifted towards extreme left views in support of the Palestinian cause, leading to the writer's disillusionment and the end of those friendships.
The article challenges the notion that Palestinians don't deserve peace because of past events, arguing that ignoring Palestinian history and suffering does not contribute to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The text discusses how mainstream media and social media often manipulate Israeli-Palestinian opinions by crafting narratives that maximize attention and outrage, with a focus on what is not covered or omitted, rather than outright lies.
Vandals targeted the home of a Jewish museum director in Brooklyn, painting a red inverted triangle on her property, a symbol historically used by Hamas to mark Israeli targets.
The text discusses the intriguing phenomenon of self-hating Jews, noting that even Jews can hold antisemitic views.