Tag: Israeli Palestinian Conflict

Some uncommitted Democratic voters, dissatisfied with President Biden's stance on the war in Gaza, are considering supporting Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming election.
Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic nominee, made a significant statement criticizing Israeli actions in Gaza.
Pro-Palestinian protesters in Washington D.C. displayed "Hamas is coming" graffiti, sparking controversy and condemnation from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Vice President Kamala Harris.
Vice President Kamala Harris has not publicly identified herself as a Zionist but has expressed strong support for Israel as a Jewish state.
The text is an open letter addressing anti-Israel Jews, expressing frustration with their protests against Israel while ignoring atrocities committed by other countries and advocating for peace and self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent speech to the U.S. Congress highlighted the need to reassess the U.S.-Israel relationship and stop enabling Netanyahu, as his repeated warnings about Iran have not been backed by concrete achievements during his long tenure, leading to growing cynicism.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu misrepresented comments made by the president of MIT during his address to Congress by claiming that the MIT president, along with the presidents of Harvard and Penn, hesitated to condemn calls for the genocide of Jews on campus, whereas in reality, MIT's president, Sally Kornbluth, gave a clear and direct answer stating that such behavior would be a violation of MIT's policies.
In this essay by Nachum Kaplan, the author argues against the widely held belief that a two-state solution would be beneficial for the Palestinians, asserting that it would lead to further conflict, internal strife, and a lack of improvement in Palestinian lives.
This article discusses the importance of humanizing politicians, particularly in the context of Israeli and American politics.
The article discusses the challenges faced by Palestinian communities in the West Bank, particularly highlighting incidents in Umm Al Kheir and Shaab al-Botum involving violence from Israeli settlers and soldiers.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will soon become the world leader with the most speeches delivered in front of Congress, surpassing Winston Churchill.
The discussion presented in the text revolves around the role and relevance of international law in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as various theoretical approaches like democratic peace theory, economic interdependence theory, and liberal institutionalism.
The article discusses key points about the intersection of Jewish identity, politics, and power in the context of Kamala Harris potentially becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, with her Jewish husband Doug Emhoff being a central figure.
The video explores how a Passover seder incident in March 2002 led to the construction of a security barrier around the West Bank.
Dr. Tal Becker, a prominent expert on Israeli legal and diplomatic affairs, recently defended Israel against accusations of genocide at the International Court of Justice.
The article delves into the complexities of embracing contradictions in life and relationships, using the story of Richard and Danielle, a couple facing challenges due to unresolved trauma and caregiver stress.
The Washington Post faced criticism for a now-deleted tweet that was seen as disrespectful to the parents of Omer Neutra, an Israeli American held hostage by Hamas.
Former President Donald Trump's potential second term is explored in terms of its implications for Jews and Israel.
The text discusses a tragic event that occurred in Kfar Aza, where members of the Kutz family and other residents were killed and kidnapped by Hamas terrorists during a kite festival aimed at promoting peace.
The Jerusalem Youth Chorus, comprised of Israeli and Palestinian teens, impressed judges on Americas Got Talent with a rendition of "Home," symbolizing unity and hope in a divided region.
Marvel's 'Captain America: Brave New World' has sparked controversy by potentially altering the Israeli superhero Sabra's backstory to remove ties to Israel.
Samer Sanijlawi, a Palestinian businessman and president of the Jerusalem Development Fund, is a key figure in East Jerusalem with a vision for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Philadelphia Phillies catcher Garrett Stubbs recently made Jewish history by being the first Jewish position player to give up a grand slam to a Jewish batter during a game against the Oakland Athletics.
The Democratic Socialists of America revoked their conditional support for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez due to her stance on Zionism, highlighting how leftist groups prioritize anti-Zionist criteria over meaningful political engagement.
Palestinian residents in the village of Umm al-Khair face escalating threats of expulsion from Israeli demolitions and settler attacks.