Tag: Israelism

The documentary "Israelism" explores the Jewish generational divide over Israel and has become influential among pro-Palestinian activists on college campuses, sparking debates and controversies within the Jewish community.
"Israelism," a documentary by Erin Axelman and Sam Eilertsen, follows the journeys of young American Jews Simone Zimmerman and Eitan from passionate advocates for Israel to outspoken critics.
The article discusses the ongoing backlash faced by Jewish film director Jonathan Glazer after his controversial remarks at the Oscars criticizing Israel.
The author of Between The Lines, a Substack newsletter, expresses gratitude to subscribers for their support and highlights the success of the publication, which has published 160 posts, received over 435,000 views, and doubled its number of subscribers in 2023.
The article discusses a screening of the controversial film Israelism at Hunter College and the subsequent discussion moderated by Rabbi Andy Bachman.
The documentary film Israelism, which explores the experiences of two young American Jews in the West Bank and criticizes major American-Jewish organizations, has faced repeated attempts to cancel its screenings.
A rabbi who was invited to discuss the controversial film "Israelism" at Hunter College was shouted down and heckled by students.
The film "Israelism" follows the stories of two young American Jews, Simone Zimmerman and Eitan, who were initially raised to unconditionally love Israel but grew disillusioned after witnessing the mistreatment of Palestinians.
The movie Israelism, directed by Erin Axelman and Sam Eilertsen, follows the experiences of two American Jews, Simone Zimmerman and Eitan, as they become disillusioned with Israel's treatment of Palestinians.
The article discusses the controversial documentary film, "Israelism," which gives voice to young American Jews who criticize the pro-Israel community for not providing them with a fuller picture of the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
The documentary film Israelism, which examines the challenges faced by young American Jews reconciling their connection to Israel with the realities faced by Palestinians, has faced a coordinated campaign to cancel its screenings at several universities.
The documentary "Israelism" explores the relationship between the American Jewish population and the state of Israel, challenging the pro-Israel upbringing that many American Jews have received.
The documentary "Israelism" explores how American Jewish institutions have portrayed Israel, emphasizing loyalty to the IDF and downplaying the darker aspects of the occupation.