Tag: Ivanka Trump

Jared Kushner, former President Donald Trump's son-in-law and advisor, stated that he will not be part of a potential second Trump administration, as he wants to focus on his business ventures.
This article highlights several instances where Donald Trump has made creepy and offensive comments about his daughter Ivanka.
President Trump's four years in office have been marked by significant events such as the coronavirus pandemic, economic downturn, impeachment, and controversial decisions affecting American Jews.
New York Times editor Vanessa Friedman criticized Ivanka Trump for cultural appropriation in her choice of clothing during a trip to India.
In the Jewish year 5777, notable moments included Bob Dylan winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, the UN criticizing Israeli settlements with the US abstaining, President Trump taking office with his Jewish advisors Ivanka and Jared, over 100 bomb threats to JCCs in the US and Canada, Trump's visit to Israel with a stop at the Western Wall, Israel freezing plans for a pluralistic Western Wall section, a controversy at the Chicago Dyke March over Jewish symbols, neo-Nazis rallying in Charlottesville, and Hurricane Harvey affecting the Jewish community in Houston.
President Trump and Vice President Pence have been working to mend relations with the Jewish community after facing criticism for anti-Semitic undertones during their campaign.
In this episode of Unorthodox, Naftali Hanau, the founder of Grow and Behold Foods, discusses his mission to provide ethically-produced kosher meat from animals raised on family farms with no hormones or antibiotics.