Tag: Jew Hatred

The text discusses the importance of Holocaust education in the United States, highlighting the lack of knowledge among Americans regarding the Holocaust.
In a series of letters to the editor, various authors discuss different aspects related to Jewish issues.
The essay by Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador, argues that the legacy of the Holocaust continues through the persistent antisemitism that dehumanizes Jews, particularly in the media's coverage of Israel.
A former Jew-hater reflects on his journey from harboring antisemitism to defending Israel, shedding light on the prevalence of Jew-hatred in certain communities and its transformation through education and self-reflection.
In a series of discussions on anti-Judaism using various texts, the unique characteristics and historical roots of hatred towards Jews were explored.
The discussion explores the concept of unforgivable acts of Jew-hatred, such as a riot outside a synagogue during a fundraiser for a Jewish burial society, distinguishing them from forgivable tragic events that may happen during wartime.
Some attendees at the 2024 Academy Awards wore red Artists4Ceasefire pins to show support for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Larry David was recently spotted looking sad on a U.S. mailbox in Riverdale, reflecting the feelings of vulnerability, anger, and insecurity among Jews worldwide due to increasing anti-Semitism.
In this article, the author reflects on the different forms and long history of anti-Semitism, highlighting that throughout the centuries, Jew-hatred has taken various cultural, religious, racial, and nationalist guises.
The text discusses the disturbing Kanye West interview with Alex Jones and reflects on how years of handling West delicately may have contributed to this situation.
Rapper Kanye West's recent antisemitic remarks, both in a Fox News interview and on social media, highlight the normalization of Jew-hatred in American society.
The American Jewish Committee has released its State of Antisemitism in America 2021 report, which includes the largest-ever surveys of American Jews and the US general public on antisemitism.
Anti-Semitism, though once forced underground post-1945, has resurged in recent years, often disguised and submerged.